Hi everybody. I hope everyone is doing well under the circumstances. This is a very surreal time and sadly we are only in the beginning stages. I know we’ve all been knee-deep in coronavirus headlines, so I’ll make this brief. The coronavirus is the elephant in the room, but I like to leave commenting on it to experts, so here are some topical articles about staying safe.
Medium: Social Distancing This is Not a Snow Day
Rolling Stone- Why Cancel Concerts? A Doctor Explains Coronavirus’ Spread
Business Insider Australia- The new coronavirus lives on surfaces for 3 hours to 3 days, how to disinfect them properly
Time: What We Can Learn About Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong About Handling the Coronavirus
Bloomberg: Coronavirus Crisis Makes a Case for Medicare for All
Harvard Health: Coping with coronavirus anxiety
Anyway, I didn’t go into this too much when I was going through it, but I just spent the last three and a half months mostly confined to bed. Not exactly my idea of a dream vacation. Chronically ill people are all experts at social distancing, through no choice of their own. It’s tremendously lonely and one of the hardest parts of living with disability and chronic illness. But even I haven’t had to go this long with so little outside interaction before. You may be wondering, why the hell did she have to spend three months at home? I will try to be brief, because it is really boring.