(I am not usually a Louboutin girl. I admire his shoes from afar but they have never really been my thing. The color of these shoes is to die for and in python? Irresistable. So saucy with the red sole too. They were on sale at Barneys and they were an amazing birthday present! :) One shoe isn't lacing up right-hopefully I can get it fixed!)
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love these shoes!
i was just browsing through some blogs a while ago and came across yours! its great!
Ooh….Christian Louboutins!!The peachy colour looks amazing on your pins Jane..Don’t they have it in black too?
OMG! those are to-die-for. incredibly jealous ugh! very lovely. those would be heaven heaven heaven to touch. and the straps are sexy as well as that skin…ahhhh
great shoes! how do yours fit? i bought a pair of louboutins and they were so tight on my feet.
Fabulous! The python adds a perfect touch to the shoe!
these are so gorgeous i can’t breatheeeee!
Hey Jane!
Two great additions to your wardrobe I see. The poncho is very much my style…and you lucked out with those loubs. I’ve yet to find such a fantastic item amongst the new year sales racks. They look like ballet slippers!
Amazing!!…you lucky gal!
holy sickness. i love those shoes, and that color. TO DIE FOR.
wow, the barney’s sale has some killer things i see. those are amazing!
ahhh! you’re so lucky…what a great pair!
I have been looking for a nice pair of flesh/neutural coloured shoes for so long.
oh my.
those shoes are the definition of fabulous. i am unbelievably jealous. i hope you enjoy them very very very much!
Oh I love them in that color! Congrats!
Oooh, quite nice. Do those run true to size? I’ve been drooling a pair of the black ones.
That color looks amazing against your skin! Good choice on your first pair. :)
i just fainted. oh precious, precious loubs.
you have the most distinct taste in shoes !
OH MY GOSH! Those are amazing. Happy Birthday to you!
LOOVEE THEM!! how do you find so many great deals?
Jane i so love this and the color, i adore it.
i saw similar shoes yesterday at the zara sale, they where olive green flats witht he same lacing!
Oh my god…why don’t I have any nice stores where I live? >_<
These are lovely! I wish I had a pair of such beautiful shoes — I’ve really been into the color peach lately.
Those shoes are sooo ridonculous.
Can you Irish dance in them?
How do you walk in those shoes?!!?!? Oh wow.
ok, those loubs are just about perfection. they remind me of those infamous rodarte gowns. sort of pretty ballerina gone psychopathic and fetish. the texture is everything…
those shoes are beautiful
and i’ve always been a fan of shoes w/brightly colored souls
especially if the shoe itself is a dark color
and hopefully the laces will start behaving soon
Good for you – those shoes are gorgeous! Don’t think my flat feet could take walking in them for too long though.
I’m not sure if you noticed but I sent an email with an illustration I did of you. Just want to make sure that you received it. Take care :)
welcome to loub land. lace ups are totally fun.
Bravo Jane,I second Chauss and say, welcome to the land of Louboutin!
looks fantastic. wouldn’t mind a black pair! x
ooohhh la la lovely!
in shoe form.
The reader who commented on the similarity to an Irish dancing shoe is right — it’s definitely a Ghillie style lacing up the front, like Irish and Scottish dancers wear. The style’s called Bloody Mary — which makes me wonder if the person who named it confused the Queen of England whose nickname was Bloody Mary with Mary Queen of Scots (that’d be Mary Tudor and Mary Stuart, to history geek a bit).
*Anyway*, these are an excellent addition to the shoe wardrobe, nice pick. I nearly got them myself, but Barney’s in San Francisco only had them in black, and in the darker color I finally conceded that they looked more fetish than fashion. The nude color strikes the perfect balance, and really lets the shape/architecture of the shoe shine through.
WOW. those are amazing.
superb taste Jane! another fab pair in your closet!
I’m French, I’m a Louboutin girl. That’s it! I’ve already admire them in black but this peachy tone really suits you. Nice gift!
Girl!!! LOVE the louboutins!!!!!! (obviously)
these are sooo you!!!
you’ve got AMAZING style!!!
absolutely grogeous!
Just want to say that I’m not really fan of Loubs but this one is really avazing!You have nice taste in shoes!
Ohh, the Bloody Mary! I’m not surprised you got them and that you got them in this color! I’m happy for you!
Those shoes are really great! *love*
you lucky thing! my jaw actually dropped im not kidding. They are gorgeous, i cant wait to see what you do with them!
i want those for my prom
wow you are a lucky girl! they are stunning! i love the lacing of them
peach is totally on my list of spring must haves.
lovely heels!
sweet shoes!!!!
so super-hysterically jealous
they are gorgeous
rock them out beautiful
Do you ever worry that your feet might get damaged when you wear such high heels at such a young age?
Are you kidding me Jane??? Haha, You’re amazing and so are thoes shoes!
those are so lovely!
your louie’s are gorgeous!
wow. those are absolutely wonderful! And on sale too!!
Amazing. I’m definitely “a Louboutin girl,” and those in particular are just what I love about him — classic with a sensational flare. They are gorgeous, I can’t wait to see what you pair them with!
Schwanensee! I love these shoes.
What a lucky girl you are.
Hola!! ouahhh!!!I love that shoes!!!Gorgeus!! Alba
Hiya hun, I’m sure I recognise these from the Danielle Scutt show in London.. They’re hot.
Gorgeous gorgeous, perfectly nude & peachy, sexy and fabulous!
LOVE the shoes
I too am not a huge Louboutin fan, but from time to time, he does comme up with some amazing designs.
These are absolutely stunning, and yes, the colour is to die for.
Wonderful as usual Jane.
Those are beautiful! You have the best taste, Jane! P.S. I love your blog.
wow ..your family must be loaded
CONGRATS on your first pair of Louboutin’s :)I’m a fan of his creations
WOW ! These shoes are just AMAZING !
It’s a pity that I’m not able to walk in such heels :/
Hot. Funny enough I was at Barney’s Northpark on Monday where i saw them in black and my friend screamed DITA VON TEESE! But the nude puts them a new perspective. Great price too for python.
Those are so rad!! I love the peachy-nude color. :)
Jane – Lovely shoes… I wore my the other day and it’s very comfortable. How is yours?
wow, mad peach colour. xx
Oh my. I would die If I had those!
Yes, the color is lovely on your skin. Peach is my favorite color on my 7-month old niece, who has nice pink undertones too, which is rare for a pure Filipina.
Oh wow, pretty.
amazing ! wow /xo
Net-a-Porter has them in black, but the peachy ones are infinitely more fantastic. I love, love, love them. The color rocks my world.
I was just given my first pair of Louboutins for Christmas and broke them in yesterday. They’re sky high, so a little hard to wear all day long, but completely worth it!
These shoes are like sex. Maybe.
ahh i hate you!
These are AAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING! lucky girl!
I can’t wait to see how you style these shoes!
Oh, now I really wanna kill you. U are so amazing. And the shoes are just as fierce as you. Love to ya all.
oh my gosh. OBSESSED.
i can see these louboutins working great with your wardrobe!
They’re beautifully constructed shoes, but they look VERY uncomfortable. Are they?
check it out
i got those like a year ago…
The shoes are amazing! I’ve never tried on Loubs before. Are they really comfy for being so tall? I’ve always wanted a pair of sexy tall heels that are comfy. Any suggestions?
Those shoes are so adorable. How high are those heels? Are they comfy?
omg! you have an amazing style and your mother too!! keep on the good work!
Well, I am definitely a Louboutin girl (14 pairs… bwa-ha ha ha ha!) and I love these.
They’re definitely not “me” but are perfect for you!!! The color and the shape… a perfect match.
It’s nice to see someone with such a passion for shoes. Meaning, I’m glad I’m not alone in my shoe madness. ;)
You should come check out my shoe blog! http://www.theshoegirl.blogspot.com
I’m sure I recognise these heels from the Danielle Scutt ss09 runway. Lovely!
I am alllll about the neutral shoe this spring. Those are magical.
oh dear, the shoes are just way amazing!!
jealous. jealous. jealous.
these shoes are gorgeous. As others have said, they do remind me of my highland dancing shoes, except in python and with a ridiculously awesome heels. Loving them.
Very beautiful color/details on those shoes. youre very lucky!
those shoes are killer.
i love them
gorgeous collor
wow. i’m speechless. goosebumps.
Love them!
Damm, there are realy beautifull!
im jealous
I COVET. Dude, for a teenager, you dress better than 100000000 adults.
I believe Vivienne Westwood first brought this style to life – the fetish shoe version of a ghillie in the 80’s; they came with her tartan collection that is still so profoundly influential. I would’ve thought these were hers; they look very similar!
hey!jane i’am mireil and i don’t speak english very well but i want you say i like yours shoes and i live in paris so i let you my number 00330668191052 and i love your fashion
That is a great birthday present! You are lucky!!!
Those are SO cute. I LOVE Christian Louboutin.
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