I am very honored to have been featured in the fashion-blogger window display unveiled at Holt Renfrew last Friday-thanks so much to John Gerhardt, HR's creative director, for organizing this-all of the windows look amazing! I wish I lived in Canada so I could see them in real life.
Thank you so much to the kind readers who sent in photos of the windows-including K at Such Fun Things, Tricia Campbell, who even posted videos of all of the windows. Check them out at her blog.
Other windows include The Sartorialist, Jak & Jil, Garance Dore, Bryan Boy, and Anita Clarke. What a privilege to be featured among my favorite blogs-thank you again Holt Renfew for paying tribute to bloggers!

I'm back from Tokyo-it feels AMAZING to be back.
I really appreciate all of the feedback from my readers during my stay in Tokyo-I am so pleased to hear so many of you guys enjoyed it's photo documentation!
Some parting images from Japan (wearing this insane top & cardigan I bought from Fur Fur)

If this post is brief, its because I'm preparing for a cookout with my friends and family tonight…I missed them so much while I was gone!
xo Jane
That’s amazing!It looks just like you.
and the cardigan is beautiful
Congratulations, Jane! You’re a celebrity in the blogosphere now.
thats so awesome!!!
you must be thrilled!
god i’m so jealous i’d love that to happen for me
Lucy =)
That’s great!!
Lovely outfit as well :)
you are so amazing!
the window looks awesome
Congratulations on the window display! So glad to see you’re back from Tokyo. Totally been missing your blog posts!
Me & Marisa
Woah you look ultra! ;) And congrats on the window display!
great for you! you look amazing!
Wow, they really captured your style and I love how they played around with the name of your blog. I want the skirt and the black satchel behind her! Love your cardigan too :)
welcome home, jane and judy!
oh boy, that top is absolutely beautiful!
You dress a lot better than those mannequins!
Some of them don’t look like your style of dress at all :(
i wish i had my own window! i’m so jealous!
you look great in the last picture! nice outfit.
looking forward to future posts :)
congrats on the window!
Wow!! that’s really amazing!!
Nice outfit!!!
Welcome back Jane! Wow isn’t it a bit freaky how they made the manequins look like you! How absolutely fantastic!!! – please tell us more about fur fur x
I love that window display for you! They really got your style right there.
Is that in Vancouver, or Toronto?
YW Jane! I think that’s a sign that you’re next destination should be CANADA – Vancouver in particular!
Hi Jane!! I LOVE the top and cardigan AND the store windows. I am glad you are back. <3 Ava
what an honor – you deserve it! your blog is such a pleasure to read!!
ahh i’m going to canada on sunday and will SO look out for your window display!
you deserve it! your style is fab, as well as your blog.
i was looking at older posts, and the stuffed siamese cat was one of my favorite things to see in the photos, haha.
keep it up :)
wow i love that top!!
and that’s so exciting that you got featured in a window
…wonder if they used the shoes you designed? haha
What an AWESOME top. I’d love to more pictures of it to see all of the details!
Welcome back to the United States! The cardigan looks amazing, as does the window displays!! Enjoy the cookout!
welcome back and congrats on your amazing accomplishments. The windows, urbanoufitters, magazines, webpages etc. You’re onna roll! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Jane.
The Holt Renfrew windows featuring YOU look amazing! Holts is my
store for designer goods and contemporary wear. I was planning on hitting
Bloor St., on my next trip to Toronto in a few weeks. I hope the window displays are
still there. I was planning on wearing the vintage Dushante pants I bought from Atlantis Home.
I’ll be sure to take some pics!
That’s so amazing, what an honor!!
It’s so nice to sleep in your own bed after being away for so long.
The Holt Renfrew display was SO cool!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit! What shoes are those? And have you changed something about your makeup while in Japan? Absolutely loved it! Especially the eyeliner & fresh-everything else :)
i am nearly speechless over that Fur Fur top and cardigan. to say it’s gorgeous is an understatement. anyway, i just adore it, especially with the white Ann Ds, which are so versatile in white- i have them too. : )
the window displays are incredibly eye-catching. it must have been surreal to first see the photos, the way they’ve depicted the blog and your various looks- very, very cool. the visual merchandiser(s) & creative director did an outstanding job, it appears!
That window display is amazing, what an honour and how lucky you are!
Also that cardigan is so beautiful! I adore it!
i loveeee your top!
CONGRATS! the window looks awesome. welcome home
that is an amazing cardigan jane!
wow the window is pretty…awesome. :) congrats!
OMG, I have to check out that window! I noticed the Sartorialist, but I didn’t see you!
I’ll take another look.
Amazing display! You always look great ;)
im so great u back home now
thank u provided many photos to our life from Tokyo
and i really like ur window in HR
all about Jane’s style
then HR has really really amazing idea too!!!
That top is incredible it must be super hard to picture it outside a store and buy it!!
congrats on the display, those glasses look just like yours!
I’ll be in Vancouver next week, can’t wait to see this.
And the RICH keep on getting RICHER.
wow, that’s so cool!congrats!!The top is amazing, so intricate.
if you could take a look at my blog, that would be GREATLY appreciated!
Wow, the mannequins really look like you!!! Incredible… Just shows what a signature you have :)
wooohooo go canada! That is so amazingly cool that you got to be in one of their window displays.
what an honor! im insanely jealous of your trip to japan – it sounds amazing! i hope you have a good time getting over the jet lag.
oh my goodness that jacket/cardigan is beyond words- LOVE IT!! Also, a window display! GIRL that is fantastic congrats!!!
the window looks amazing! and the last shot of you is so gorgeous :)
It’s time to take a trip to Bloor/Younge!
That window display is so awesome! Not only is it a great display if no one knew who you were (which is not the case), but i think they did a great intrepretation of you as well.
wow, what a fantastic window! congratulations! =)
Oh wow.. this is so cool. Where in Canada is this? If it’s in my town I will definitely check them out and take a pic in front of it :D Congratulations!
I love your “farewell to Japan” clothes. You look like part of the empire
That is incredible, I have to check them out!!
This is nice!
congrats, Jane ! it’s an honour n a proud moment ^^
ur outfit is just TDF for Tokyo … Jane, I know you must be busy reading comments n definitely no time to reply one by one. But I am really curious, did you walk around in Tokyo more than 6 hours or so with high heels ? not tiring ? How’d you do that ?
Thanks Jane
Amazing. You are totally lives the life
oh my gosh this is AWESOME!!
That top is incredible. And congratulations on the window, it looks lovely.
Cool! That window display is so you.^___^ Congrats on the feature.
oooo i so want to see the windows in person!
looking beautiful!
Nice dress
GORGEOUS top/outfit, I think you know you’ve made it when you have a shop window in your name!!
you look amazing, as always!:)
Love your Shoes!!!
your blog is so awesome.
i love your clothes, shoes, and everything!
you’re amazing. :)
Congratulations of the feature; the display is definitely creative and cultivating! And you look like you had a great time in your travels… any time you come back with a top like this, it’s worth it!
Such an honor for you, amazing! And I love the blouse you’re wearing in the last two photos.
what a very pretty top and cardigan:) i wish to see more of it soon!:)
welcome back!! :)
congrats on the window display — they’ve done a great job mirroring your style!
the top is 2D4!! love all the layers and the color sure looks great on you :)
Hey Jane,
I’ve never posted a comment before but I’ve been reading for about two years maybe and I was surprised to see your blog advertised in the Holts in Vancouver on Howe last week! I had no idea you were having such international success. I snapped some photos (I use the D300 as well!) but it looks like you’ve been given an idea already of what the displays look like. They’re pretty cool actually.
My god, I was in the Toronto area and totally missed that scene!! You must be thrilled,
that is soooo cool, i am happy for you
oh and also where can you buy clothing from Fur Fur
wow, so incredible to see your window! I love how they styled it to your personal style!
Beautiful dress and shoes you’re wearing there. Sounds like you are ecstatic about being home and im sure none of us can wait to
see what other amazing clothes you’ve brought from Japan.
I am going to have to check out Holt Renfrew windows now! That is so exciting!
you look amazing girl! that window is nice :D
the windows are amazing! i just saw them a couple days ago and died, such a fabolous idea! congrats!
yay!, congratulations jane!!, the window looks totally you! (:
hope hou had fun at Tokyo, and great to heart that u are back!
lol, i’m kind of homesick too!
you are sooo amazing
you’re an inspiration
im sooo prud of how far youve come at such a young age! go girl ;)))
I love Holt!! yay canada!! love the windows, they are beautiful!!
Really beautiful in the las photo!
Thats amazingggg
It looks great
hey! just wondering if there is a possibility of finding the fur fur brand online??
i loved the shirt and cardigan,& i’d love to see some of their other clothes!
love ur blog!!
OMG. that display is AMAZING jane!!! I think i would die if i saw it in person.
lol. <3 you girl!
anyone know the designer of the black shoes in the 2nd shot – I NEED THEM!
That is amazing to be featured like that! Congrats!
Wow, I was so inspired with all of your photos. Your amazing at this, and I love all your shoes. I think the people of Japan are so beautiful, so unique. Thanks!
I saw the windows today. They are absolutely fabulous!
Not as good as the real person of course.
For those of you who are asking about where to get that top Jane’s wearing…
on FurFur’s site (http://www.furfurfur.jp/) it says you can buy them at the FurFur shop on floor 2 of Harajuku LaForet (where I’m headed in 3 weeks…so freakin excited cuz I missed FurFur last time I was there; just hit up my fave Hotel 55 Boutique on the 4th floor..how could I have missed it??? Sheesh.)
OR you can shop online at: http://www.nuan.gr.jp/sf/Category.do?catID=10078608 if you have a Japanese address to deliver to! Guilty! (But the store has got to be much, much better than what’s online…)
Just to let you guys know!
Congrats Jane!
Love your dress:)
Hi! I’ve just discovered your blog, heard about it from one of my friends here in sweden, and I just love it! It is really fun to read, and you take amazing photos. Keep up the good work :)
/your number one swedish fan
This is amazing Jane!!! Congratulations!!! =)
congratulations! Beautiful window displays. Also that is the most beautiful creme and white colored coat…top…! Wish I can own it too :)
that is soo cool Jane!
widow deisplays inspired and just for you!
and you Fur Fur top is to die for!!!
That’s is so cool! Congratulations on an amazing display and at such a cool store. Welcome home too, doesn’t it feel good to be back?
Congratulations Jane!!! THAT IS SO COOL!
you should use that window display for your blog header. cute!
YEAH thats SOOO awesome! i saw this display at yorkdale mall D: and i thought it was so pretty, congrats. its amazing
That top looks like something you’d only find in Tokyo – it’s insanely amazing. And congrats on the blogger windows!
Wouuwww the windows look amazing. You’re a lucky person!! The top in the latest picture look amazing, i love the collours !
Have a great diner with your family and friends !
That Holt window is insanely cool. Congrats!
Congrats on the Holt’s Feature! It’s such a cool display!
wow that’s awesome!! i wish i was at home to be able to see the display!
gorgeous window displays <3
wow, i love all of the layers of material in your top/cardigan. it’s so light and airy and gorgeous at the same time.
Wow, congrats!!! Looks awesome :)
Hey! Love your blog! More pics at http://styleblog.ca
A whole store display dedicated to you and your blog? Impressive.
I like the shoes on the model in the striped dress.
Cute outfit. (:
J’aime trop ton haut et le cardigan!!
I love your top and the cardigan!!
Good work,thanks for sharing this information!!!
Good work,thanks for sharing this information!!!
i absolutely love the top and cardigan!
i was wondering what do you use for make-up because your eyes always look amazing! haha.
I absolutely adore your top!
I love your outfit here.
may i know the kind of camera you use? and the lens?
thank you :)