Sorry for the drop-off in posting! And email responses.
I've been in NY since Thursday night and things have been super busy since I got here, but today and tomorrow I got to do a little shopping with my family. The weather is really great. It's so much fun. I just saw Terry Richardson like three minutes ago riding his bike outside of where I'm staying! Crazy.
I'll have lots of fun things to share soon and I hope you all have a great memorial day weekend.
xo Jane
Looking forward to a NYC photo post :)
Sounds fabulous!! Can’t wait for pictures :)
Thats what I love about NY, you get to see so many famous people, and the fashion of course.
i heart noir, ny! lol. be careful of all the rich people
Have fun! :)
I must say I’m a little bit jealous of you, it’s sounds great to be in NY!
Let me guess…he had super bright reflectors on his bike? I can’t imagine TR doing anything without a flash.
Remember! You MUST MUST MUST visit Allan & Suzi’s at 80th and Amsterdam – and whatever you do, bargain!
Jane! Living around the city, I’ve been to the lower east side a bunch of times. There’s teriffic shopping in the area between 3rd and 1st aves and 5th and 11th streets.
This one resale/vintage store is really great…bought some gorgeous Zac Posen shorts way discounted :)
Very jealous you’re in NY and that you saw Terry hahah, well have fun :)
I was just there for ICFF last week. Total blast. Hope you and the Fam have a great time. Oh, and I ran into Chadd at a show last Sunday night. Hugs to your moms and sister!
Terry Richardson is the bom diggity.
Terry Richardson is often riding around in Nolita. I saw David Bowie just the other day nearby on Houston. Absolutely no one else recognized him. He was finely dressed. I thought of you.
Ohh. i was in New York today checking out the Park Ave. Armory art Exhibit, which was really neat, then grabbing a bite at Bryant Park. Hope you had fun, the city has such great shopping opportunities, especially in the Lower west side. :]
shopping is passion!
im liking
luuuuv tha pic
kinda reminds meeh of madonna at the met ball, remember her craaazy louis vuiton bunny ears???
haha…this is kinda much better tho
have fun!
I see Terry on his bike all the time!
Oh, and check out David Owen’s Vintage on Orchard St, in . My friend’s family owns the store. They mainly sell fur, but get other great items as well. It would be great if you could pop in!
how incredible! terry richardson is such a fascinating photographer.
enjoy your time in ny!
Lucky you! Have fun in New York!
Your style is mad inspiring Jane. I come here everyday to see ur update. although im a guy and i cant wear 99.9% of the stuff u put on display, i still admire your taste.
So much fun!
i’m pretty sure i saw you standing outside topshop in soho on sunday.
could you do some photos of your room?
Tina Fey?