While I was at school today my mom went thrifting and picked up this amazing little jacket for me-it has pleats and bows and a super nipped in waist. I wore it to Driver's Ed (A.K.A. where I've been spending every night after school the past two weeks…it makes keeping up with Sea of Shoes a little more difficult)
Worn with a thrifted bag, Nudie jeans, Prada spat heels, and a J. Crew headband
I'm totally into it, I've been craving a little more 80's in my wardrobe. It strikes me as exactly the kind of jacket Fallon or Alexis would wear on Dynasty, with a smart pencil skirt or jodphurs and riding boots. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Dynasty? I don't have a TV so I have to order the DVD sets to watch on a computer. I like watching Dynasty on the computer because it's easy to pause a scene and analyze the crazy get-ups designed by Nolan Miller.
(if you are really bored: here is a video about the costume design on Dynasty with commentary by Nolan Miller, sort of interesting)
I wish my life was more Dynasty-all of the girls on Dynasty wore sequins and feathers mostly every day, even when they were just chilling at the country club or hiring assasins or faking pregnancies. Most of the dresses didn't even look that good but something about their gaudy flamboyance made them absolutely compelling. I'm thinking its time the 'bad' stuff from the eighties had it's moment again.
I've been planning in the near to have an 80's week where I wear my favorite 80's thrifted/eBayed things every day. My closet is stuffed with glamourous 80's relics, they need to be getting some play!
Love the jacket! It’s absolutely gorgeous and adorable! I wish I could find something like that; plus the fit is great on you! Indeed the 80s was an inspirational era. I can’t wait for your 80s week thing; it sounds exciting!
Great find.
that jacket is incredible!!!!!
and THAT bag!!! i covet thy bag!!!!
That jacket is just wonderful! The fabric is beautiful and I love the pleats!
Finally A BAG!!!!:))))
That’s a fantastic jacket, what a find!
You have an amazing talent for making things work. When I saw the jacket close up, it kinda looked frumpy and too much with the bows and the rose pattern. But it looks like the complete opposite on you.
i love your hair :D
I’m a fan, awesome jacket.
im rather interested in that mustard top you’re wearing underneath.
ps. are you a good driver?
im on my L’s and im alright only i havent been driving since my last disasterous lesson with my dad. i was only up to 8 hours of driving lessons with my instructor when he decided to teach me how to do a 3 point turn. the driving “lesson” with dad only lasted 20 minutes, by the end of the first 10 minutes i was in tears and my dad was shouting things like “YOU’RE A TERRIBLE DRIVER!” and “OH HELP ME GOD!”
needless to say, ive now lost all confidence and detest driving immensely.
Amazing bag! 80s week sounds like a fun idea
that jacket is fabulous! love the details..
I like the bag, really much!
I love that jacket on you!
i love the jacket and the shoes in the first picture. your idea about an ’80s week sounds awesome! you should definitely do it. it would be wonderful to see what outfits you’d come up with.
To Tanya: Do *not* allow your dad to kill your confidence in driving. I really think that one’s parents are usually the worst possible driving instructors; there is too much other stuff tied up in it (you are driving their possibly not easily replaced car, driving equals independence/loss of some of their control, etc. A tiny bit understandable, but still… No one should be screamed at behind the wheel). Stick with someone who is unbiased and won’t get personal, and you’ll be absolutely great, truly.
This is a fab outfit, as usual, Jane–and I keep meaning to comment on your posture. I know it sounds silly, but you have a naturally great carriage and it just makes every outfit look impeccable.
Surprisingly, it was the bag that caught my eye. It’s massively fantastic! And that jacket, the floral detail on it is so sophisticated, and the bows add just the right amount of youth :) xx Kudos to your mum for such a great find
awesome jacket! I might try this silhouette for work. :)
beautiful! Great fit on you
i love it! dynasty brings back so many memories, i was totally obsessed by that show as a kid. still am. i got this amazing dynastyish dress at ebay a couple of months ago. it’s so alexis. i have to throw an 80’s glamour party soon so i can wear it!
Tanya, Andrea is right. My dad bought me a car on my 16th birthday but it was stick shift and I couldnt drive it. So after we fought over it for about 20 minutes, he got so frustrated he took my house key and garage door clicker and said I couldn’t come home until I learned to drive the car myself….
That jacket is AMAZING!
Oh my..! That jacket is truly adorable, and I love your bag, too!
Yes 80s week! DO IT.
I’m a vintage newbie, but you inspired me to write this post: http://www.toastedrav.com/post/4256.
But I’m curious. How much should we expect good vintage to cost? How much did that jacket cost?
gorgeous jacket! it’s so sophisticated…
that jacket is pretty much amazing…
oh please do take them out to play! i’m a 80s/90s gal at heart :P that jacket is out of this world. love the bag too.
You have great style! The outfit is so playful and chic at the same time! love, love, love it!
Super cute put-together!
jane –
did you say you dont have a TV?
oh well, with a closet full of great clothes and shoes to tinker with, who needs a tv? :p
hey babe! you’re ADORABLE! driver’s ed, ah i remember those days…i hope you’re having fun doing it though! it’s a once in a lifetime kind of thing :)
Hey! i go on ur blog everyday, i really like it, it gives me ideas for everyday, but i was also wondering, you say you get some of ur stuff on ebay, but where do u search for that? like what are the words u type? im very curious about this, because i dont fin anything interesting on ebay. a little help from a “pro” would be very welcome! keep on updating this blog, i really like it.
(sorry for the mistakes, english is almost my second language!)
That jacket is adorable, especially with the headband. You are so pretty!
That jacket is amazing, and 80’s week is a fabulous idea!
P.S. What brand are your pants in the entry “So Demode”? And what do you think of the Chanel lightbulb shoe? (Personally I love them.)
AmandaMichele–yikes! Locked out till you could drive it. Rough teaching tool, that! My father taught me to drive a stick when I was 14 or 15 so that I could move a car, etc., if any of my friends was drunk (he wasn’t stupid about these things) and we were in an emergency, etc. (not that he was condoning me driving without a license). He was great at teaching me the basics, and fully explained the mechanics of it, then parked me facing up a steep hill right in front of a Maserati and told me not to roll back and hit the Mas or I was going to have to quit school and turn my part-time job to full. I have never popped a cluch more than I did that day : )
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Proof is in the pudding!
Anyone who gave that away though… shame on them.
Wowee Jane! That’s one gorgeous outfit, and you pull it off so effortlessly! Love the size of that bag too! (I love big bags), I finally uploaded some photos of my Harem pants (I remember you said they weren’t for you) as I mentioned in my last comment: http://brigadeirochoc.blogspot.com
that jacket is perfect!!!
I wish I had the courage to wear things like that. I buy them and try them on and then talk myself out of it….sigh.
You certainly make that jacket work – it looks great on you but everything does! I’m still in awe with that red skirt you found, amazing. I just did a post on you on my blog – so jealous of your shoe collection.
That is an amazing find! Lucky girl!!
oh, girl. you and your blog are simply fabulous… definitely part of my daily internet routine. i’m newly nudie jeans-obsessed, myself…we’ve only got one store that carries the styles for ladies here in portland, oregon and i’m too much of a skeptic to buy online. would you share the style of the pair you’ve got on in these pictures? i suspect hai kai. nudie jeans por vida!!
Oh girl!! I can picture you in Dynasty I swear!! hehehe
oh my god. I LOVE YOUR JACKET. your blog is amazing, your style makes me feel better that i’m the only one in lecture not wearing uggs and sweatpants. ahh love you!
you look wonderful as always. the jacket is breathtaking :) and the shoes – killer :)
I put a link to your blog (if you don’t mind ;))
This has got to be my favorite outfit ever! I never post, but I felt the need to to tell you so. Love your blog and your originality. Can’t wait for those Ebay tips!
wow. I like how you look but I think your hair here really is the icing on the cake! love it.
That Dynasty / Nolan Miller video is 80s-tastic. I’m going to have to Netflix that show right after I watch Dallas. And I look forward to your eBay tips. Also vintage shopping tips would be welcome. What kind of shops do you look for? Do you frequent the classic Goodwill or Salvation Army?
Hi girl ! I’m french and i really don’t know if i good speak english.
well .. i just want to say you my congragulations for your website.
it’s a real source about your fashion talent ..
i love it so much ..
hello! I’m french so I don’t speak english! but you’re very beautiful!! and your clothes are really very beautiful also!!
So excuse me for the mistakes of language !!
I love your blog !!
this jacket is breathtaking and the detailing is impeccable! keep up the good work! from SC
Hey, Jane! I’m a new reader in Seattle, and I’ve been going through the archives just to see how you pull your stuff together, YOU ALWAYS LOOK SO GOOD AND I CAN’T STOP ADMIRING YOUR STYLE, YIKES.
Finding your site during finals week was just bad timing, haha; just letting you know, you have a new regular reader!
Love, Mehron
P.S. LOVE Dynasty.
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