Sorry for the slowdown in updates recently…
As promised, we took Nao to the aquarium.

And spent the rest of the day hanging out in cafes and shooting around town.

Found a totally random place called 'Bess' that sold stuff like this…the place was huge…my mom and I were mesmerized by it.

Have enjoyed seeing the cool architecture here…

Went to a beautiful park…the cutest kids in the world were there.

And dogs too!

I only have two more days left in Tokyo now. I am so ready to come home. I miss my family, my friends, my dogs, my own room….I've been so out of sorts the last couple of days because I am homesick.
Not that I don't love it here….:)
xo Jane
lovely outfit!! the skirt is so cute
Thanks for sharing a lot of your Japan-tour, I’ve really enjoyed the pictures!
Lovely photos especially of the children.
Looks like you had a fun time! Your skirt is devine!
Your photography is so beautiful…love all the shots! I really enjoyed all your Tokyo post – espeically as I am such a Japan buff >.< I think you captured the spirit of Tokyo perfectly and you really made me envy you for visiting all those cool and very unique places.
I am absolutely in love with the first picture of you in your outfit (the one with the camera)'s so perfect! You wear high waisted full skirts so well…always inspires me.
jane, another beautiful outfit of you!
and Nao is so cute!
it’s one of my favourite outfits of yours!
this is amazing i love the aquarium shots they were classic :)) love the skirt and the shoes x
i love your outfit , especially the shoes , ive just managed to get my hands on them, and i love them !
the aquarium shots are lovely , classic . i love them
and the children are so sweet :)))
what’s the shoes? Alexander McQueen right?
I’m in LOVE with your outfit, and such gorgeous pics! Bon voyage Jane, Judy & Carol! :)
Aw the kids and the puppy are so sweet…love your bubble skirt and your shoes, btw.
you look amazing, love your skirt … and japan! ;)
Hello,i was wondering if you had done a showcase or something since i saw your blog name in outside a display store.I saw it at Hope you can help me.
that skirt is amazing and really loving the shoes as well! have a lovely last couple of days!!
love your look <3
Amazing photos!
Lucy =)
Great pictures! love your skirt!
one of the best outfits of your trip forsure.
Love the blog, Jane!
Check out today’s Catwalk Keener quiz in your honour…
Glad you enjoyed your stay. If i’m not mistaken, the ‘glass (arc) roof’ was taken at Ebisu.
i went to Tokyo some years ago, I was so young I only remember big flats and many many people!
Your pictures are awesome, amazing aquarium, flamboyant:)
Hi Jane! This outfit is great. I love the fish! <3 Ava
you look amazing!!
I love the whole outfit, especially skirt!
Nice pictures:)
jane you take the best pics everrr my dear! and your skirt in that pic looks so amazingly cute – enjoy your last few days in Tokyo!!
The Voguette
omg i totLLY LOVE LOVE your blog, your outfit is too cute…what type of cam do you use?
I love your skirt! The entire ensemble works so well together!
your mother and you are really really beautiful, perfect outfits!!!
great pictures.
you look amazing again!
and what a beautiful aquarium-shots!
That skirt is amazing! Love love love it. Looks like Tokyo is a blast!
Great pictures as usual! Love the ones taken in the park especially.. I like your style of photography.
That outfit is definitely one of my favourites so far.. The skirt is gorgeous (I love that cream colour) and the jacket looks really unique. I would love to have your budget to spend on clothes. (: I can’t see the t-shirt clearly, but it looks pretty interesting.
You definitely seem like a vintage clothes lover too, which is something I really admire in people. Vintage is so much more unique and special! If you’re ever in London, I would check out the store Beyond Retro. Some absolutely amazing vintage pieces there.
I would appreciate it so much if you maybe took a little look at my blog. I started it up as I was so inspired by some other blogs I saw (*cough* yours..).
Great post as usual
Hi Jane,
Have enjoyed reading this post. Always enjoyed reading your blog.
I love this black and white ensemble..and the previous one too. Sometimes, your outfits can be so creative.
Thanks again ( I know I said this many times) for sharing. :)
I love that you always mention missing your dogs. I hate being away from my dogs, and all my friends make fun of me. I have a corgi too :)
Amazing outfit! Have you seen your window yet?
those kids are adorable! cute outfit jane and great photos as usual i so wanna go!
I love the crab. I want it as a pet.
I’m also rather jealous of your trip… looks like you had great fun!
Girl, you took coooool pictures. : )
Haha, my middle name is Bess.
ah can’t wait for you to come home!
I love the skirt though! and great picture with the school of fish and Nao!
I love penguins!
Tokyo look so great !!
I love your skirt, so cute on you !
Love the outfit! It’s great. The park looks beautiful.
Nao looks like he’s having a blast, lol!
Love the photos and the outfit.
Have a fun last couple of days there :)
These impressions are great!
Love your outfit!
The shots of the aquarium are beautiful!!!! well, all the shots are, really :)
Would you mind posting the address for “Bess”? I LOVE that outfit and am going to Tokyo in 3 weeks. Thank you SO much!
Wonderful! Looks like Nao had a blast at the aquarium!
Your skirt is so gorgeous!!
It’s definitely hard being abroad and away from home!! Oh, the little things you miss!!
I really like your outfit in this series.
ya im not sure if i would like tokyo….. so many people…
Amazing photos!
I love your skirt.
And the girl in the pink skirt and boots is so adorable!
Really really nice outfit, I love the pictures!
Japan looks so amazing – you’ll be home before you know it Jane. :)
Loving your dress and the penguins!
I love Ponyo to the extend that I write a dissertation on Miyazaki ;)
love the dress !! These kids are soo cute. Enjoy your last days and have a good way back .
That outfit was very cute! The skirt amazing! If you had a red headband or a little something, I think it could be real neat :)
Tokyo look swonderful, great jacket too!
Enter my Giveaway!
the skirt is so cute!
and nao should DEFINITELY get his own blog haha
you guys should go to the tsukiji fish market in early am to see tuna auctions and surroundings. a real experience. :)
I really, really love your outfit!
I think everyone finds it hard to be from home for a long time. Especially when you’re leaving people/pets behind. Enjoy your last few days.
your outfit was really pretty. my favourite one for now =)
haha,what are u doing with this cat xd?
U look so cute ! I love ur hair ;d
Yes,u have right about these kids,there are so lovely.
Have a nice days in Tokyo
/dominika ;*
/come on !
your shots in Tokyo are amazing! i love scrolling through them!
hope you had a great trip!
PS: i love your outfit!
I know exactly what you mean about being homesick…I love going away but after a week or so of hotel rooms and constantly eating out every night it starts to get pretty depressing. Adore your outfit in these pics..the skirt is gorgeous..where did you get it?xxx
Your trip to Tokyo seemed so awesome! I really want to go there one day. Cute outfit and really great pics. :D
Nao is hilarious! And have a safe trip back to the US….thanks for all your wonderful tokyo photos! :)
jacket tops off the ensemble perfectly.
Loving your outfit here!
it took me a moment to realize what that shadow was in the second pic….it’s nao (but of course!) *lol* i’m getting such a kick out of the humor and wackiness of the nao photo shoots! original and witty!
the japanese have a beautiful, unique aesthetic that you and your mom have captured so well through photography.
blogging takes a lot of time and effort, and i just wanted to say how very much i’ve enjoyed your tokyo posts.
my favorite post! the outfit was really cute! and those pics are amazing of the little kids!!! :DDD
hahahah oh jane, how i love you.
these pictures are so cuuuute. <3
beautiful pictures! so jealous.
im from australia and love the brand sportsgirl and noticed there’s a short interview with you on their site –
This has to be my favorite outfit of yours. :)
And the dog that you took a picture of was a sheltie! I have a dog of the same breed!! I was so excited to see that. :)
Your blog really makes my day.
Such beautiful, vivid color in these pics. The kids are so cute! Travel safe!
Either your camera is amazingg or the colors are even more beautiful in Tokyo. Not to mention the itsie-bitsies! The kids are so adorable.
LOVE your jacket! So cute!
hi jane
may i ask u sumtin ? ru not tired walking around tokyo with those heels ? i noticed that u wore mostly high heels … tips, please ^^ how did u do it ?
Ponyo at the aquarium tank?!
That was more than amazing!
I will certainly miss these posts. Have a safe trip home.
Jane, did u see this??
these pictures are beautifuuuuuul
what amazing sights!!!!
i cant wait to go to tokyo :)))
aaaahhhh japanese architecture is fantastic
Your skirt is lovely!! You take amazing photographs!!
you take the illest pictures and are super cute haha!
I can imagine what you felt :)
Great Outfit ! and great Fish :)
Wow – what a great post. I love the kids playing in the field – such beautiful photos and not so stereotypical Japan either.
I love that last picture, it is beautiful
I love your pictures, they are very very beautiful :)
gorgeous photos.
Love your outfit!
X, fashion-nerdic.
The skirt is fabulous!!!!!
Love your photos- so gorgeous, esp. the aquarium ones!
YOUR DRESS<333333 Love.
beautiful photos!!! and i love your outfit so much, want your shoes!
beautiful your whole ensemble btw.
Beautiful photos, japanese kids are the cutest! I love your fish photos :o Cute outfit, gorgeous jacket!
Ty Ty
I’m glad to visit a great blog. Smart posts and beautiful photos. I like to contact people, all over the world, by his blogs.Would you follow me,because I’m afraid to lost your blog?I’m waiting your visit. Thank’s
Nao is super cute Jane!.
JANE = BALLIN’ AZZ HELL! Let me get sum of that jewash money $$$$
i loved seeing your travel pics – makes me want to do a shopping trip in Tokyo too!
Love love love love loooooooooooooovvvvvveeeeeeeee the outfit, and all the photos. Ammaazzinnggg x
Ohmmmiggggoddd!!!! GORGEOUS OUTFIT! The shoes are to die for, bien sûr.
Anyone can take these pictures. You just need a black Amex to fly around the world with an a $900.00 camera. Steady as she goes.
Love what you’re wearing, the jacket and skirt look precious.
loving the skirt – it’s so pretty. Also very entertained by the aquarium shots with Nao – so fun.
I love the arch over the chateau and the park is certainly an oasis away from the city
I love that skirt- I have been wanting a similar one for a while now.
I think my favorite picture of these is Nao looking into the fish tank- haha so cute!
The skirt you’re wearing is love.
I adore all your photos, especially the little girl in galoshes. So cute.
What can I say? Such an amazing blog – I’ve been stopping by for a while now and gazing at the wonderful photo’s…. and shoes… and clothes! Hope you have a good journey back home and look forward to your next posts! I’m sure you have been bestowed with many bloggy type awards but there’s one more from me at my rambling abode! x
lets switch lives? I think yes!
Nao is cool and all, but she’s no Pleo.
You really have an eye for design, these photos are breathtaking. I’d be surprised to even think those photos were taken in industrial Tokyo.
Mercury :)
I absolutely adore your photos! And your outfit is FAB! Saved it on my laptop in my inspiration folder
I love that look <3
I just wanted to say that I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and haven’t even posted a comment, but I love it and it’s my favoriite so keep up the good work!
Best wishes,
Love your outfits and the trip. I am new to your site and can’t get enough. Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh wow! Those first photo are so gorgeous! And also you, you look so pretty on your outfit.=D Looking forward on your next post. Have a great day.=D
Love the first photo!;D And look at the boots of that little girl, so cute! ;D
I have to say that your blog is the best blog i know.
Great Photos from Tokyo. Looks like a lot of fun! Good homeward journey!
You look amazing…i feel in love with Tokyo!!!
Hey Jane,
I’m Emilie, a French girl of Twenty years old.
I love your blog, I see it all of the days.
I do my blog mode too, it’s:
Thanks for visiting it.
I love your style.
Une petite étincelle***
you take amazing pictures!
love nao! so cute.
i adore the pictures of the fish on the crab and the “tree man”! your skirt is divine
love your outfit!! also, i’m so jealous that you’re in tokyo right now. it’s my favorite city in the whole world, yet i have never had the chance to visit. ah well, maybe next year.
great photos! love your bubble dress.
That trip sounds so fun!!!!!!!!!!
and you have amazing photos, very good photographer. I loved how you brougt Nao everywhere and got such a big reaction! Loved the outfit too
hi jane! i have a question.
do you have any shoes that just kill your feet?
if you do, how do you combat the pain? ;____;
i know you probably won’t have time to respond, but what kind of camera do you use? your pictures are very impressive.
Great. Another uber rich white girl with a blog about how awesome her closet and life is, not to mention her $1200 camera.
I really like your photographs!
Keep going :]
greetings from Indonesia..
Thanks for such great photos. I felt like I finally saw a different side to a city that so many people have been through. As always you’re entirely unique and wonderful!
wonderful photos, truly. i adore your shoes :)
Aww Nao looks so cute! Kawaii ^^! haha, anyway random question are you going to be visiting any other asian countries anytime soon? should try Jakarta (Indonesia) and of course, Singapore! it’ll b awesome to see you here in singapore :)
I love that skirt! and the shoes look great with it too :)
that park looks gorgeous, im so jealous of those little kids that must live near it..
Tokyo’s amazing city, you have a lot of chance you know? haha
I love the skirt!
that’s so adorable
LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! I read several fashion blogs but I always save this one for last. The art is amazing. Love the photography and the fashions – beautiful! I was just wondering how you felt about people using your photos, as long as you were given credit for them. I’m sure you do not get a chance to write back to these comments, but if you get a chance just let me know. I will NOT use a photo unless you give me permission, of course.
Keep on keeping on. Sea of Shoes is fantastic!!!
your good at taking photos !!!
I absolutely love the pic of the little girl in the layered pink skirt and pink rain boots, its adorable :)
That outfit is perfection. I really love all of your Tokyo photos, they are fab!
i love your skirt! where did you get it? :]
I love your skirt, and so beautiful pictures !
Great look !
I love that you always mention missing your dogs. I hate being away from my dogs, and all my friends make fun of me. I have a corgi too :)