I've been spending some quality time with my Ann Demeulemeester sandal-boots since they arrived last weekend!

I ordered this floppy black hat from American Apparel after I did my hat post. I'm very happy with it, it can be so hard to find floppy hats.

Today I am also wearing a lace slip from Anthropologie (purchased years ago), a mohair Prada cardigan from F/W 07, a wrap scarf purchased in Tokyo, Alex and Chloe deer horn necklace
It's time for me to go to the meetup at Rugby! I am so excited, I can't wait to meet some of my readers.
xx jane
Great shoes! Personally, they’re a little too open for me but you rock them well. Wicked outfit, too. Have fun at Rugby ! :)
Stunning as always! Have fun at the meetup, wish I was there!
*Shrieeeekkkk!!* They are stunning…
RosiePop x
you are sooo lucky.
love those shoes.
Great outfit! Wish I could go and meet you tonight, but the hubby and I have box tickets to the Dallas Mavericks game. Have fun!
THEY’RE PERFECT JANE! I’m sooooo anxious to get mine already!!! Your lace slip is A+
They look sooo good! I love how perfectly laced up they are in the first two pictures! Have fun at Rugby! It would have been awesome to meet you. Houston is so close yet so far away from Dallas :P
Hi Jane! I love these shoes. I am memorizing them. ****Ava*** Oh, I love your outfits on the Rugby Blog too.
those shoes look awesome on you, not many can pull them off that well! and i love the floppy hat. looks great. have fun at rugby!
I’ve wanted a floppy hat forever. I think I’m going to purchase this one from American Apparel as well – it’s just perfect. And, as you said, it is hard to find a decent floppy hat!
OMG LOVE LOVE LOVE THE SHOES. They look much better on than just on the pictures!!!!
Plz More posts with the boots!!!
Also could you tell me whether they wil look good with skinny jeans d u think, im not a big fan of dresses mostly a jeans person but would these boots go with jeans?????
How hard are those Ann D. shoes to walk in? The laces look a little painful, like they should be pinching into your skin or something.
BTW, I love your blog!
Those boots are wicked. I adore them.
Love your shoes!! I want to have them too. Like the dress also very much.
You look totaly gorgeous! :)
I love them so much!!! The perfect combination of simultaneously open and closed.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! Love the shoes, love the hat, love the outfit, did I mention I love the shoes?!?
great outfit! great shoes!
ah! the shoes look amazing/ =) and i want a hat like that!
These shoes are GORGEOUS.
Beautiful pictures.
those shoes are the sexiest of them al!!!! I LOVE EM!!!
lookin good!!!
those shoes look so great on you. i like them much better on your feet than on the models
some people really can’t wear hats, you really can! the mirror shot says i’m right. =)
One of my favorite outfits.
I’m so jealous of the boots and the slip. I love how delicate the outfit is mixed with the black of the hat and the boots.
Ahhh!!! I LOVE YOUR HAT!!!!!
how i envied you with the boots and you look great in your whole outfit!
Those A.D. lace ups look amazing on, especially with your pedicure! I’ve also been wearing a big floppy black hat ever since it landed in my showroom, and now I can’t live without it…
omg the shoes look amaaaaazing on!!!!!!! you seriously should’ve come up to new york for the barneys warehouse sale for the shoes!! they had so many things I know you and your mom would’ve loved :D
omg those sandals are to die for… you paired them so well with the slip and cardi. as always, loving everything you are wearing. the hat is so you!
i wanted to order that hat but was slightly unsure about the quality of it. i’m glad you like it, and i’m gonna be sure to order one soon. ;)
love the hat…I may have to get it myself! The shoes look amazing on you as always!!
Absolutely beautiful. The floppy hat and of course the sandals are beauties.
I always love when you wear cream/beige/nude. And i like how you anchor it with black. always amazing. i hope your rugby event goes well!
Absolutely LOVEEE THE SHOES!!!
I love the outfit too, very well worn!!
Newly love with your blog!
wowee! i feel very obsessed with the boots. and you look so cute with the floppy hat! it brings so much of your personality into the whole outfit :)
xxx, love ur blog!
This is definitely one of my favorite looks of yours. I love all the creamy neutrals with the pop of the black hat and boots.
You look like a washed-up whore.
Oh my, those shoes are wonderful, as your entire outfit is! Hope your meet-up is fantastic!
i think they look kinda gross to be honest, gross as in it almost makes me queasy. the boots are much easier on the eyes.
Lucky you ! You can wear sandals !! Here in quebec , canada forget that lol !!
I am in love with these boots.
You look stunning, thats for sure.
That photo of you in the mirror is stunning Jane – WOW. The hat really highlights your beautiful bone structure!
karla has that same hat but in gray it looks better on her but you look pretty too
WOW!!! i very like your boots. and your look so nice!
keep posting more new pictures with new fashion styles. would like to comeback and see your new post.
Great look!
Jane the shoes are ah-mazinggg, and your outfit looks great with the shoes!!!! I saw this and thought you might like it:
I had a dream that I was wearing these boots, and my friend told me that they were ugly. However, I think they’re kick-butt! My friend has no taste anyway, and she wears sweatshirts everyday. HmMmMm I also seeem to remember your hat making an appearance in my dream. It’s so weird, because I could perfectly imagine the feeling of the laces on my bere feet, and the snug-ness of the hat. I dig your blog the most. It inspires me to finally wear all the vintage clothing I have bought over the years, but have been to lethargic to wear. I’m declaring next week vintage clothing week, even though it’ll only be me participating. You’re a great writer, and vair fashionable. Keep it up!
….WOW :)
Looove the boots! I second Alice in saying no chance of getting (or affording) them here in Canada. I have been tempted to figure out a good DIY for those boots since you first posted them… I could see a faux leather converse-esque boot being doable… remove the tongue, trim and re-grommet the edges, replace laces with longer, thinner ones, or maybe a soft ribbon to be nice to the toes!
Can’t wait to see the blog you post about the Rugby event!
Perfect outfit. I love those shoes! Have fun today x
Oh God.. your SHOES!! HEAVEN!!!!
I love shoe quality time! Doing dishes, lounging on the couch, sitting at the desk…who says fab shoes shouldn’t be worn around the house?
Must go check out the link to the meetup info…
I’m not completely sold on the shoes (your toes look a teensy bit squished) but I love that black hat!
everything is so cute :)
ahhhh, those BOOTS!!! i can’t wait til mine arrive *sigh*.
creamy neutrals are so lovely on you. :)
Love the hat and the crazy shoes too!
wauw jane, i really love your shoes! lucky you!
i love your blog!
xx Nina, from the Netherlands!
those shoes are sick, especially when you scroll really really fast back and forth on that second picture… :D
Another Korean star is appreciating Ann D as well :)
(I hope it’s Ann D)
You remind so of Diane Keaton in Annie Hall. Beautiful.
ah those Ann D boots are a dream!
Those boots are ridiculous. They look more like a caged foundation for your feet than actual shoes!
Just curious, how would you describe your own style?
I love the shoes, and I especially love your hat!!
Ouah, Ouah, Ouah !! J’adore ce chapeau !!
Je le veux, je le veux! ;)
Blog : http://now-body-s-perfect.blogspot.com/
so jealous. you have the most beautiful shoes!!!
Good lord those shoes are fantastic! Lovely look, miss.
love the shoes and blog!
your incredible style has inspired me to go out find some great new pieces for my wardrobe
you should check out Alkemie Jewelry on shopbop.com
they have an octopus cuff that’s to die for!
you look so incredibly chic. those boots are amazing, i am SOOO jealous.
OoOoOoo the shoes look amazing on you! I really love them
Visi me here http://vintage-tea.blogspot.com/
the shoes look SO GOOD on! you should give us a tour of your house haha it looks so interesting
I absolutely adore your blog & your style :)
i am so smitten.
i want to actually try and procure these for myself, i reallllllly think i need them in my life. how do they look with tights?
i love your boots!
jane, your shoes are amazing, thanks for checking out my shoe post!
anwyays, i love the floppy hat. im sure someone has already told you that karla has the same AA one :)
andrea xoxoxox
Life In Technicolor
great shoes
I’m lovin’ the mad hat look too… thought you might enjoy these Japanese rocker styles.
i’ve just discovered your blog, and it’s great. You have good taste, and you look good also…but does it make you happy? you got attention, readers, clothes and so on. aren’t you bored? I mean you make this pictures and they’re nice but you can’t go to school in such skirts and shoes..you only live your life at home with your clothes friends?
i love the combination of the black key pieces (floppy hat + sandal platforms) with the delicate nude colored outfit. Great contrast, great outfit !
@ glistersandblisters.blogspot.com
I JUST posted these on my blog today too..along with a few other similar options! http://www.stylecaster.com/blog/2009/03/LaceUps/1403
I love the close-up in the at …just stunning. you look beautiful.
um …in the Hat. :)
Jane, you must post a picture of yourself wearing the Ivan Grundahl wired taffeta skirt you picked up in NY. I’ve been waiting for months to see it on you! Cheers! :-)
You have such beautiful shoes! Love’em!
You’re so poetic^^
This shoes are amazing! and this kind of shoes fit very well on you (sorry for my english, i m frm belgium!) It s my first post but I follow your blog since a while! Your style is wonderful!
Love the sandal/boots and the floppy hat!
~ Montreal Fashion Minds ~
Those shoes are amazing – wow. I also really love that hat!
these shoes are AMAZING jane!!!!!!!! i die.
I love those boots their so cute. The laces are so cool, i wish i had some boots like those.
I love them!!! Where did you find them, from which shop?
are the boots comfortable! i am thinking of buying them in white.would love to know!
thanks! x
I’m living in switzerland so excuse me for my poor english ^^
Just: I LOVE your shoes!!!!So rock’n’roll!!
Stunning stuff. Love the shoes. Would have love to see the necklace.
I would very much like to buy a pair of the puffy shorts that went with last years S/S 2009’s dress I bought.
It is the rather grecian puffy wrap around with two strings mini dress that has the puffy shorts underneath it in black.
Would you have a pair you would like to part with or know someone that does?
The boots kind of finish up your whole look. The whole outfit is amazing and so is the framing of the picture :)
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Your shoes are really chic, as they do on facebook – “like”. I don’t know if it’s coincidental or not, but you’ve painted your nails so they match the shoes, one way or another good job Jane. Most sandals are ugly but comfortable, these are both.
wow!! I just love those boots..completely stylish ones.
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The scrapbook pages are SO precious – I love the one in the pumpkin patch especially. GREAT costumes through the years, and wonderfully documented for posterity! The pumpkins turned out really great, good job! I’m with you on staying behind the camera for THAT job, lol!
The scrapbook pages are SO precious – I love the one in the pumpkin patch especially. GREAT costumes through the years, and wonderfully documented for posterity!
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Gracias por cualquier otra forma de website.one informativa u otro buen trabajo de Jane. La mayoría de las sandalias son feos, pero cómodo, éstos son a la vez.
Me encanta el de la parcela de calabazas en particular. Grandes trajes a través de los años, y maravillosamente documentado para la posteridad! Estoy muy admiro tu artículo, muy bueno!
The pumpkins turned out really great, good job! I’m with you on staying behind the camera for THAT job, lol!
Este blog é moi moi bo e esclarecedor. Vou publicar unha ligazón a esta páxina no meu sitio. Estou seguro que os visitantes do meu sitio vai descubrir que particularmente interesante!
Het is heel interessant onderwerp waar je hier hebt geschreven .. De waarheid die ik niet ben in verband met dit, maar ik denk dat is een goede gelegenheid om meer te leren over, en ook praten over een ander onderwerp waar ik gebruikt om te praten met anderen
what a nice boots! and you are a stunningly attractive woman
love your blog