Hanging out with my new girlfriends, the Mannequins!!

This Scott McClintock bolero is so gaudy and over-the-top in real life….it casts little disco ball reflections everywhere I go. It was an ebay purchase and I got it a long time ago but never wore it!
I'm kind of in love with it right now….I wore this to the orthodontist though and my dentist looked a little amazed. Oh well.
Worn with various costume jewelry, F21 lace shirt, Rolling Hills skirt from Anthropolgie, a vintage belt with interlocking mice, and Prada spat heels.

I NEED those shoes!
glam little bolero. black velvet is nice…
Outfit is perfection. I adore your hair in that little bun too!
You have an amazing eye of pairing up different textures.
I think this is my favorite outfit that I’ve seen you wear. I love the proportions of everything – well done!
This is pure genius. And you wore this to the orthodontist? haha, you rule!
I Love the bolero!
Wow… I think this outfit really is perfect. The shoes pull the whole thing together. <3 it.
Gorgeous outfit! You’re really workin’ it ;)
i love this outfit!! the mice belt is soo perfect! and the shoes are great!
What impeccable style you’ve got!
The shoes really are wonderful, though I can say the same for the lace shirt, jewelery, and bolero.
you look gorgeous, as usual! ;)
the mannequins seem spooky though, LOL.
This is beautiful and classy. I love the glamour of the look, paired with a messy bun.
wonderful as always…love the shoes!
I could never pull of an ensemble like that. In fact, I would never have known how to wear such an embellished bolero. But you’ve done a great job! It looks great.
I love a lot of your skirts actually. They flare super nicely and the colours work very well. The spat heels are fab too.
I love the wide shoulders and the belted waist. Gorgeous.
really love the room you took pics in =)
Oh gosh! I think I have a nearly identical bolero, which I believe was made by Jessica McClintock (it came with a velvet dress and was from the 80s, but the dress didn’t fit).
That bolero is ridiculous, in an awesome way. I’m way jealous.
Heya Jane, i like the skirt..is it silk? anyways i don’t know if it’s just my browser..but i think there’s something wrong with your StyleBible.ph link..have a good day girl!:)
I have been reading your blog for quite some time and this is, by far, my favorite outfit you’ve ever worn. The use of the skirt with the bolero is perfection; the skirt compliments the gold on the bolero so very nicely. The shoes are amazing. I would love some of my own. The hair truly finishes off the look.
I have loved reading your blog. Keep up the great style.
I love the whole outfit.. but those shoes are to die for!
I absolutely love your prada heels
The look suits you Jane..And the Prada??
Ahh..i want!
Love from Singapore
love the bolero …love the shoes.
the belt is simply amazing. the heels are too shabby either;)
Love the hair. Check out my latest post. I think the shoes are a more conceptual take on what you already have, and would look great w/ some Korean and Jap pieces in your closet.
As always plenty of love to you and your lovely tastes!
Oh my gosh, I love these pictures, put it in a magazine and call it an editorial honey…this outfit is genius!
I love this, Jane!
you always look like a piece of ART. amazing pieces together!
loveee the jacket and the skirt they are gorgeous together!
WHOA. ookay, not being a total creeper or anything, but were you at schroeder orthodontics today in southlake around 4:20ish?I had an appt. and I thought I saw you.. i’m pretty positive that was you because I remember you anthropologie skirt and yeah I only caught glimpse of the bolero, but the intricate detailing looked phenomenal.
oh, and I don’t remember all of the bangles, and that specific lace top?
You are seriously adorable. Your style is incredibly impressive
ahh, I love how you wore this to the orthodontist! I think if I ever did anything so daring, my poor dentist would faint (he doesn’t have much imagination). Bravo :)
Your skin is so perfect that i thought the second to last pic was your mannequin!!
You should wear this to every appointment with anyone in the medical profession from now on.
I saw a bolero almost similar to that at Buffalo Exchange. I was so tempted to buy it, but my boyfriend reminded me that every time I buy something over-the-top, it always ends up at the bottom of my closet.
You’re the best-looking classiest girl I have ever laid eyes upon
truly astounding, inspirational
u look adorable!!!!
Great outfit, gorgeous shoes!
That bolero is actualy lovely ! And the shoes are so margiela-ish ! x
Congratulations on being one of the very few women who could pull off outrageous(ly awesome), straight-off-the-catwalk outfits in real life.
Wow you look like a mannequin yourself! (Don’t get this wrong, it’s a compliment because I love your flawless porcelain skin!
The bolero looks adorable, and the skirt is delish looking HAHA!
lol. poor guy. You look amazing as always
your skirt is gorgeous! :]
OMG!!! That blazer is FIERCE! And I just Love that belt! Amazing style, girl. Amazing!
you’re the only one who can ever pull outfits like these jane. you’re kinda like my hero!
Looking great as usual! I LOVE the bolero! I’m kind of a bolero addict… ;)
You have an innate sense of the aestheticism and the fashion in spite of your young age… It is impressive!!! Love it!!!!
I love those shoes!!!!
i love the shoes. can you share some tips on how to choose the perfect shoes? i admire that you’re not afraid of wearing whatever you think is nice. i wish i had that confidence
Wow, the details of that outfit.. stunning.
your hair looks ridiculously cute like that!
GAHD. I JUST LOVE THIS OUTFIT. AS IN EVERYTHING!! Esp. the fantastic bolero and the fierce shoes, of course.
Jane, no wonder your dentist was amazed. Hahaha
It’s amazing! and I love the colour of the skirt too :)
i love you’re style, and i just wonder if you can tell me what you think of these shoes: http://www.pici.se/pictures/OWRmuTyTT.jpg they are on sale and i just dont know if i should buy them or not..
gorgeous outfit ;)
Um, this is one of my favorite outfits you have ever worn.
Love from Fort Worth!!
seriously, your style amazes me every time you post. you look fantastic.
how very elegant with a dash of period piece pomp! stunning :)
OHMYGOD.. it’s just purrrfect!!!! loves the vintage bolero (it’s oh-so-adorable!!), the lace shirt, the SHOES!! ahhhh.. you take my breath away!! loves it!!!!!
I am really enjoying the unity of the entire outfit. Something that you are so good at!
so amazing!
what do you mean from that? http://jakandjil.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/chanelstripes.jpg
You look like a doll! Great combination of colors, textures, and hair. Dressing “up” for every day is the only way to go right?! Lola Re
GORGEOUS gorgeous. The bolero is to die. BUT you know whaaaa? I love your cute messy bun the most! hah;)
LA street style
those shoes are SEX!
You look amaizing
I adore this outfit…especially the shoes! Love, love, LOVE the shoes!
i am obsessed with mannequins. your style is precocious- way ahead of your years.
Thank you for mentioning my blog. -Ji
What do you wear under that shirt?
I saw it at F21 and was really iffy about buying it.
wow those shoes are so incredible! I love the way you put together all your outfits, so unique and super fabulous!
Jane, it’s so gaudy, I love it too. :-)
The bolero is beautiful! Great combination of colors and textures!
Somehow I don’t think your dentist was amazed…
It’s fabulous! I love it! I recently bought a vintage/second hand band jacket.
That outfit is fantastic. The way you wear the bolero makes it totally work. I don’t think it’s too over the top at all. You look amazing.
Hi , I m a french girl , and i just want to know what camera are you using (your photos are amazing!)
I exept your answer …
Those shoes are to die for, and you have the tiniest waist I’ve ever seen. Your body was clearly made to wear beautiful clothes.
Oh wow… this is indeed amazing!
Beautiful outfit!
Your pics are great!
Stop pimping for Urban Outfitters/Anthro!
wow, when you did the closeup shots, I thought it was a mannequin because the skin was so pale and perfect. I love your shoes!! and that skirt!! amazing match!!
lots of $$$ doesn’t equal taste
FEATURED: http://messyhairandeverythingelse.tumblr.com/ :)
I saw a cute octopus necklace and thought of you instantly.
looks great! how should you wear a lace top, what kind of bra should you wear with it? thanks!!
For a second, I thought you had put the outfit on one of the mannequins and took a shot (in the last 2 pics)! You have lovely skin- sorry if that sounds a bit weird! I really like this look and the Pradas!
Okay, I must say I’m a huge fan of your style. You’re 16, and you blow my mind away. I’m also 16, and DEFF jealous of your abilities haha.
But I’ve got one favor to ask you. I was wondering if you would be interested in looking at my blog..I’m kinda new to this, and been busy ever since I started it, so it hasn’t really reached its full potential. But a look, and some feedback would be much appreciated :}
I am insanely envious of your wardrobe!
And that you can carry all of this stuff off… I couldn’t wear this stuff to University, and with the exception of the graphics students, everyone here studies fashion! Haha nevermind the dentist =/
Thanks for being an inspirational dresser :) x
Your style is impeccable
I have an idea now. I shall frame one of my favorite vogue covers.
Ta tenue est absolument fabuleuse. Bravo, tu as du goût pour ton âge, continue comme ça ;)
Bonne journée,
OMG! just so amazing! the blazer the belt the skirt…everything’s perfect!
you’re just amazing!!
the outfits look great on you! adore you so much! :)
Love the high waisted skirt with short Bolero, diggg it. Have a great Thursday..
Jess S.
your bolero is attention grabbing, the belt and skirt are just as much, Love’ em!
Stunning from head to toe!
these pictures are gorgeous ! like your style!
ok this is a little random. but the chair you are sitting in is beautiful.
Amazing Shoes,
How amazing that you went to these shows… I’ve only seen the Alexander Wang show online and already loved it! I heared it was one of the best!