1. Jacket by Mason, vintage 501’s, Marigela boots, clear glasses from Urban Outfitters, leather and feather clip from Urban Outfitters2. Thrifted Ralph Lauren emblem turtleneck, a very old skirt from Emeralds to Coconuts, the usual bangles, Gap ballet flats3. Grey t-shirt dress, Prada mohair cardigan, Chloe slingback heels4. Lace slip from Anthropologie, Junya Watanabe cardigan, necklace (gift), and Givenchy lace-up heels
The Margiela “boots” are brilliant, as are the peep-toe Givenchys. I love that furry vest, and the proportions of the flouncy skirt/striped-shirt photo. All four are great looks for you.
Jane!!!!You are sooo stylish!!You always find smth really great. Kansai Yamamoto jacket or this Margiela boots. I don’t know any 16-years old girl who can wear such clothes. You are unique!!!I like all your outfits!
I love those givenchys. I’m curious how long you can walk in them before they start to hurt.
Love the Margielas. Your first look is very Sienna (I hope that doesn’t offend you, I mean it as a compliment). I love seeing what you wear!
those margiela boots are pretty amazing
Hey miss!
I miss coming to your blog, I forgot what an inspiration you are.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the margielas! and i am just totally infatuated with your third look! that is too cute what is all that a long sleeve dress? or all separates?
i just love it!
You look great, really great as usual! You’re a good source of inspiration !
Aurore from France
Wow… ive never seen boots like that…so amazing
wow i love your style. your one of a kind just like me. but yea i was reading your info stuff in this months teen vogue magazine. i love how you made your self known. and this blog thing is so amazing. keep it up. love all of it again :)
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