I've been really excited to meet Lucrecia of Fashion is Poison
-she was in town for a couple of days so my mom and my sister and I met up to have lunch and do some shopping together at Northpark today.
Lunch at La Duni-delicious Columbian cuisine!

Lucrecia checking out the jewelry at Forever 21!

Sick shorts at UO.

Shoe shopping at Barneys!

Mom and Lucrecia enjoying an Orange Cup!

Love my crappy iPhone photo? Here's what I brought home today-Jil Sander assymetrical wrap platform heels.

Every shoe from this collection was amazing! Such beautiful organic shapes….kind of primitive and art-deco.
That was so much today Lucrecia, thanks for hanging out!
love those shoes. her shoes as well!are her’s stella mccartney? its funny how u both had the color blue in ure clothes:)
Ooh! Looks like you girls had a fab time! GREAT purchase! Those Jil Sanders are gorgeous, can’t wait to see you rock ’em! And love Lucrecia’s Stella’s! (the pump version is on its way to me, can’t wait!)
ahh i miss northpark!!! sometimes I really miss the easy shopping that can be done at a good mall… something that ny definitely lacks! those jil sanders you bought are so amazing ♥
OMG, I can’t believe you bought these Jil Sanders! I just went to Barney’s today and tried them on, but decided to get Marni platforms instead. The Jil Sanders are amazing!
BTW, you and Lucrecia look so cute!
those shoes totally break my heart…hiks..too cool to be true…love the a-symmetrical one. Is it comfortable to wear Jane? keep it up, love ur blog!
I didn’t know Lucrecia: she look cute!
nice shoes too
epic, I read this on your mom’s blog, you two are going to take over the blogosphere, I swear!
love the sanders, and wouldn’t I kill for your shoe budget, hehe
kinda absolutely love the iphone cover, hehe. mine’s got just the plastic film thing that’s some kind of millitary grade whatever. I had a back cover and then of course dropped it on the screen, but the cracks do look quite badass :P
gotta stop showing that off, hehe :P
also, I don’t know if I’ve already asked, but wanna trade links?
love those jil sanders— super sculptural and gorgeous!!
…and i’m coming to the conclusion that vintage levi’s cutoffs are a wardrobe staple. wear mine ALL the time :)
i love the new shoes, jane!
Would love to spend the day with you guys- you’re all so adorable in those pictures! :) Great shoes and I love those shorts.
wonderful shoes!
also, this sounds like a great day!!
those shoes are beautiful! great choice :)
that lipstick color looks great on you
love your dress!! and great jil sander heels!
the colour and print of your dress is fab!
i love the shoes you got!
Fun! Aw, I love Lucrecia! I wish some bloggers lived near me, or would travel to Idaho so we could hang out, haha :D
Ahhh! I love Northpark! And the Galleria in Dallas. Maybe only two things I miss about Texas.
Ooooh looks like you had fun. Nice shoes.
OHHH those shorts at UO are simply way too sick!
ive been looking for a pair like them for a while
you guys looked like you had so much fun and once again you scored hottt new shoes.
<3 victoria
love the blog!
not to be nitpicky, but as a colombian, i notice that everyone spells the country of colOmbia with a U. just representing my country :) COLOMBIA!!
looks fun! i think i will be meeting up with carolyn from hangontomato in june, and i’m excited to hang with another blogger! you met her when you were in austin!
jane please come visit my blog, there is a jewelry designer, leah sakellarides, who made a custom piece for my blog and she’s giving one away! it’s SO nice of her! the piece is AWESOME (of course, i’m biased haha) but i think you would like it and i’d love for you to sign up to win it if you do!
aw that was so much fun! today’s buy was GREAT <3!
btw…confession…i went back to barneys after you girls dropped me off. my excuse = taxes in CA are sky high :X
Looks like you guy’s had a blast. Love your style!
i love your blog and yours shoes!
i love lucrecia’s coatie. and your new shoes are lovely, of course.
Omg! I bought those shorts yesterday at UO! I luuurve Levis :D
great post xo
Looks like a great day. Lucrecia’s jacket it stunning, your dress is stunning and don’t even get my started on the Jil Sander shoes! Oh my, I’ve had a style overdose. I think I’ll have to go lie down.
looks like a fab day! you all loved delish. gorge dress Jane and loved Lucretia’s jacket.
Adoring the wrap Jil Sander shoes you got!
muah xx
your mom is gorgeous i can see wear you get your fair perfect beauty from and im jealous, and the hangouts looked like a total blast, jill sandler shoes are so great what wicked geometric shapes they have
you guys are very beautiful and lovely! how I adore your new Jill Sander shoes, Jane!! ;D
chekka cuomova
woooooooow she has those shoes which i admire!!!!!!! wooow
I like the Jill Sander shoes, I want it! But can’t afford it, but still like it, just loving it :D
What an amazing shoe purchase!
Looks like loads of fun was had =]
You and your mum look so similar! It’s great!
Looks like a really fun day, makes me want to go out and photograph a shopping spree now!
lol iPhone need a better camera don’t they!
looks like you guys had fun!
i LOVE the jill sanders shoe collection! I actually wrote a blog post obsessing over it XD
xx, Geri
wow. now that i look carefully those were the exact pair that i wanted! jealous! haha! :)
xx, Geri
what a perfect day! and perfect purchases to go with it.
those shoes are beautiful , what a lovely day out !
got to love blogger meetups… I’ve got three scheduled for next week! woop! :-) the wonders of living in a small country lol. i love her jacket and ur heels rock!
I love Forever21
love your blog!!!
if you evvver come to paris let me know…
just read on lookbook.nu interview that you intern at VOD!
tell jackie b. that lauren in paris says hello!
Oh, those are fabulous. So many good shoes out now, it makes my head spin. And thanks to you, I really have a craving for La Duni…
I love your new shoes… =)
What a great shopping day!
You both looked great! Love the blue outfit!
Alllll of those Jil Sander shoes are tooooo fabulous! Jealous. Looks like a fun day!
You girls look great!
The Jil Sander shoes are fabulous – my jaw dropped when I saw them. Amazing designs! You all look so pretty, I love your lipstick! Your mum looks lovely in that slouchy grey/lilac top too, where’s it from? xoxo
Great pictures, and its so fun to see blogger meet ups.
I assume you know about this: http://shoelust.tumblr.com/
It is basically shoe porn.
the shoes are amazing! you are so lucky!
-Coco Chanel french movie
Salvador Dali movie
Off the shoe topic- I’m admiring your giant necklace. I have one that’s similar and I’m trying to get up the courage to wear it.
Then again, creativity is dangerous:
i love lucretia and i love you…. i guess you have had a gorgeus day toghether^_^
Dude the shoes look so great on you..I can tell you love the necklace, its such a great score seriously!
you are killing me with these shoes….absolutely to die for.
big salute to your blog,
I loveeee her shoes. xo Cari http://isnotfashion.blogspot.com/
omg, those jil sanders are to die for!!!
thank you jane, you are truly an inspiration. you and a few others have inspired me to create my own blog, and i’m happy i did.
thanks again!
Amazing Jil shoes..
I also love Lucrecia’s Hermès cuff, and I love how you can see the top of YSL cage boots sticking up behind you in the photo where you’re sitting in Barneys!
Those shoes, Jill Sander ones, are amazing. I love them!
Amazing shoes!
Such cute photos. It looks like you two had a great time ^o^
Wow, love those shoes. Especially the ones you got, they’re adorable!
Looks like you had a super-fun day :)
Hi Jane!
I’m so glad that you bought the Jil Sander platform. I tried them on, but my feet are too wide for it. You ladies looking fabulous!!!!!
Nini Nguyen
love the new shoe buy! its totally cute.
Love the last shoes..;D
Love it so much.Hope to see more from you.;D
I saw the things on this great etsy store i love and i love this item but i dont want then for me. I thought of you while looking at them. I was like hey, Jane has stuff like this on her blog. It’s all really cheap. I hope you get one of them.
My mother has an influence in the Forever 21 headquarters.
Glad you girls went :)
Jil Sander assymetrical wrap platform heels <—- AWESOME!
oh, you guys look so great!
looks like a fabulous time for all.
check out my new ro snakeskin sharkfin booties video in ro nyc store on my blog. :)
i love your shoes and her Stella McCartney wedges!
Love that short,so cute.=)
whats up Jane! I heard about the crazy influenza in Mexico, and Texas is close to Mexico, so just wanna say hi, and take care of urself!
i saw these and thought of you. :)
Those shoes (every single one of them) are absolutely amazing! Looks like you girls had an awesome time! I wish I had that sort of shopping around here. Those shorts from UO are awesome as well, in fact I just picked up a pair of old Levi’s while I was thrifting and I fully intend to destoy them!
Fab shoes! You’ve definitely got an eye!
Looks like you two had a great time shopping!
The Jil’s are so fine. And I love your necklace, huge, but still kinda light and just great. Simply love it.
Chic as usual, Jane!
I think you have marvellous fashion sense, but, pardon me for saying so – and yes, i am a tad jealous – it’s kind of easy when you’ve got so much money to spend…
But still, I love your blog, and, of course, you could be spending that money on some truly monstruous stuff, so, kudos to you for spending it on the marvellous, definitely not-middle-of-the-road, gems you sport in such a refreshing way!
You’re an old soul in a young body, and I applaud you for that!
Kind regards,
Missy Wonderbird Pointyshoes
Jane, can you tell us the details of your dress? It’s lovely. Is it vintage?
such gorgeous shoes! i love jil sander
YAY to you and Lucrezia meeting up!
big fan of fashionispoison here ;)
waiting for you girls to meet me in MONACO!!
hey jane,
have u seen these http://www.net-a-porter.com/product/39024 yet?
she is adorable! love your new shoes!!
you seriously have the coolest blog x
Very cool seeing two awesome bloggers together! And your new Jil Sanders – amazing!
Northpark is the best mall in Dallas! Yay! You showed her our two story Forever 21!!
looks fun!! Your mom is so gorgeous!
those are beautiful, i love shopping. i need some ripped denim to go with my latest xxl mens t shirt post…. hmm
I love the Jil Sandner shoes with the toe-wedge (the ones in your iPhone-photo). They are gorgeous! But they look like the might be a little uncomfortable to wear. Are they?
I was just at Northpark on Monday…didnt see those bad ass shoes though!
Jil’s are wonderful! That girl is trying to dress like you? ?? I don’t get it
both you girls look fabulous. I love lucrecia’s blazer.
But what I am dying over? Those Jil Sander shoes. Unbelievably gorgeous.
I love her skirt!
hey jane – what are you wearing on your lips in these pics? lovve it
LOVE THEM! Youre such a lucky girl =)
Oh and Thanks for showing people that there is more in Texas than just cattle and oil lol ;-)
I spend way too much time at Northpark!
those shoes are insane.
Oh the shoes… I really love them, they are so simple, yet so special. I guess I’d die wearing them, they look like they really hurt lol.
you look great. You remind me a lot of Carrie Bradshaw! Lucrecia looked so much better with long hair. I don’t like the cut. Her style is cute though.
wow your mom is so beautiful she reminds me a little of Tilda Swinton who is just a Goddess incarnate:)