Haven't made one of these in forever!
I guess that's because I've been so busy image-gathering at Leeland.
But anyways,
The two men in red are Raf Simons Spring 2002-WOW! wow! wow!
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This is so beautiful.
this is so visually stunning. the color palette/theme reminds me a bit of sayat nova.
Oh i really like your images! very well done! Great job Jane!
wow! that is a great group of colors and images.
the red men remind me of one of my major inspirations, the imperial guards in star wars. great collage though!
check out my blog at http://glitterandtea.blogspot.com/ just started :]
this one is my favorite.
I love the bird and the nun they contrast in demenor but blend colorwise. It’s so great!
I like all the red. Always have loved that colour. Especially when it’s this vibrant.
gorgeous inspiration!
also, i’ve been seeing more and more red popping up. 2010 color?
I love when guys wear red.
omg you’re amazing! i can see you love the ysl heels!:)
kisses gorgeous!
If you like the face coverings and hanging fabric, you should check out this editorial as I think you’d like it: http://reedandrader.com/unamerican.html
Dzień Dobry ;)
amazing! so stimulating and rich in reference. you have a real eye, jane. is leeland all yours?
Love it! You have an eye for color! :)
CHRIST girl. I’m usually not one to be moved by inspiration boards but this one is so spot on. I would be tempted to also add in this hauntingly perfect diffused red look from Haider Ackermann FW09:
jane, this is my favorite one you’ve ever done.
omg i think it’s incredible to hate some one and love some one this much!
i love all your shoes so much, i’ve just been browsing through your past blogs since chrismas and i’m in awe :)
how visually stimulating
I’m so gonna go and look at old Raf collections now!!!!!!!!!
A) I love what you’re doing at Leeland
B) I await Atlantis
C) I envy your fur pillow collection
D) I referenced you on my blog. cool?
why the wow wow? it’s just men in red. you could see this on a janitor. the material doesn’t look fresh, it’s worn, sleeves are too long, and pants seem scrub-like. I know, I know people will say “that’s the point” but is that fashion or is it just love due to the label.
lol! I am interested in seeing how the nun outfit will inspire a vintage creation :-D
Keep up the good work!
Scrubs and niqaab type head-dresses? Women in the Middle East wear those every day….ehh, I think that the headdresses are always a beautiful item, but those outfits are not WOW WOW to me at all. the board is beautiful though.
Oh, so beautiful!
Great picture, your blog is just amazing !
Check out ours : figuredestyle.blogspot.com
xoxo, Estelle
you do know that the 9/11 hjackers pulled out red scarves and wrapped their heads in RED scarves before they killed thousands. that’s what these guys remind me of. sorry honey, you missed the mark on this one…
Dear Jane,
I am a big follow of your blog and love it! Your inpiration boards are very unique and creative! I was just wondering how you made them , are they made online (if so what program) or by hand? Either way…well done! :)
-Sabrina with Je Veux Te Voir Magazine
It seems you forgot the cult Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers film. :)
Have a good day, you have already a good blog.
heey, love this one, very pretty. (y)
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