I would have never known about these shoes if it wasn't for a very very helpful and wonderful commenter….someone left me a comment about two weeks ago reccomending I check out these Givenchy's on YOOX. I can't find the comment now-but a HUGE THANK YOU to this sweet person.
I never remember to check YOOX as thoroughly as I should but I certainly will from now on-aren't these insane? Who even knew these shoes existed? I had never seen them before…I guess there are always shoes that don't show on the runway…?
The bulbous wedge heel covered in straps is out of some sci-fi movie's wardrobe. I have high standards for 'crazy' when it comes to shoes but these are up there. They're remarkably comfortable, I wore them on Saturday from morning till night.
They’re gorgeous shoes. Strappy to fit in with Summer days, patent black to fit in with Winter nights.
Bambola x
that is a great site. fantastic shoes, even better if they are 2 ss ago.
Wow, those are pretty intense! Love them :)
Hi Jane, I love your shoes and I adore your nail polish. And hey, Ava wrote this.
Yeh for sure love em!!!! Also your cute as nail polish…reminds me of Dexter season one with the ice truck killer! Looks great with the patent black. xx
wow gorgeous! they don’t look comfortable, but i guess they are! :)
wow i can’t get over the straps…crazy!
are these your feet? How cute is that nail polish!?!
Givenchy shoes have boasted one of my favourite shoes as well. And you know, there’s actually one pair that you had that you posted a long, long way back that I really really loved which I cannot seem to find anywhere :/ Especially because it’s a couple seasons ago. Maybe I’ll try Yoox out again.
I know this is a crazy request but any chance you could start tagging your posts by the type of shoes? At least by labels, for starters? So that us readers can go back for easier reference. Your site is after all, our seaofshoes as well. :) It would be great so that we can sieve out older posts that we want to show our friends and other shoe-admirers! :)
In any case, your blog is loved – regardless.<3
Killer shoes! Yoox really does have some great stuff, I always remember to check it weekly or so.
Killer shoes! Yoox really does have some great stuff, I always remember to check it weekly or so.
i love the heel and they look really comfortable. they look extra cute with your candy colored toes!
You’re right, they do look like something out of a sci-fi movie – I love the rainbow-colored toes. :)
yeah, pretty amazing.
i was putting a moratorium on shoe purchases for a while, but now i am rethinking the rules.
Amazing shoes and nails!
wow, so hot. i’m super envious!
nice shoes! very alien!
i second Hui’s request to tag your shoes by brand. makes it a whole lot easier for us fans to sieve through your sea of shoes!
thanks! yours rules too. and those shoes, WOW! the plastic-like material and abnormal shape are really perfect, especially with your toenail polish!! i had a slightly similar pair in high school, they were like black leather and the heel was completely grotesque and of course it was a laughing stock but fabulous nonetheless.
Those sweet candy nails have awesome contrast with the kick-ass shoes. Which I will be dreaming about now.
These shoes are INSANE….I think I may be in love : )
I can’t believe you spent $500 on sandals.
They’re gorgeous though.
I love your candy coloured toes! You should check out gargantuan green and do you lilac it from OPI…
gorgeous! ive seen these shoes around before on polyvore, but always assumed they were dior….anyways, looks lovely on you jane! great investment:D
Those shoes and the most amazing shoes I have ever seen! WoW.
Love the rainbow toes too :]
Those are killer for sure! They do look comfortable! I just had rainbow nails a couple weeks ago too lol.
dude, these are AMAZING!!!
good score!!
love the shoes
the rainbow toe-nails are a nice touch and juxtapose nicely with the shiny black of the shoes
just thought i would let you know, the comment is in the “im crushing” blog (haha i went and looked, i dont actually know all you comments for every blog)
They’re S/S 07. Love them.
WOW. I love Yoox…I need to go see if they have some sort of feed/notification system for designers I’m always looking out for…
Ooh! I spotted these on yoox over the weekend (I don’t usually browse yoox, just purely by chance), they are A M A Z I N G L Y G O R G E O U S ! ! ! Love your rainbow-coloured pedi, too cute!
those are A M A ZING!!!
I saw these on you and I had to get a pair. They’re ridiculous. I can’t wait till they get to me.
amazing…i’m getting some.
this are sooo great.. wasn’t it dengel the one who gave you the link? these are monstrously amazing.. shoe crush for valentines. haha . kk J
those shoes are to die for..
i love them ¡¡¡ they look like stripper shoes (in a good way) :)
Jane i love you
cheers and kisses from Mexico
They are fabulous. Love the toe nail polish.
Stay chic!
during these times i am offended at the money you spend on clothing. it is vulgar.
wowza! you need to go to columbia university or nyu, where you’d fit right in and possibly turn into the next downtown it girl. Uh whitney port can suck it hard. I’m betting on it.
super cool XD
lol! I’m watching this wedges on yoox too! they’re awesome!!!
Those are probably one of the most amazing shoes I have ever seen!!!
Hi, these are awesome!!How do you manage your shoe closet?Aren’t the other shoes getting jealous?:P
oh my god. love the shoes. ok i’m off to hunting them now. ciao!
oh wow. i hope an australian chain store or mid range shoe company do copies, i can’t afford the real deal but these are the most incredibley perfect shoes i have ever seen. ever.
Just amazing. And I love how your toes are all different colors!
candy cute nailpolish is delicious!
love the shoes! very chic dominatrix
come check out .. http://www.audreyandedie.blogspot.com
I never find anything “useful” on Yoox, unfortunately. But these shoes are amazing. You’re really lucky I guess!? :)
wow. now those are some MONSTROUS heels.
Absolutely gorgeous!
those shoes are absolutely gorgeous!
loving the nail polish :)
are they comfy? because they don’t look too uncomfortable…
ah, they are to DIE for!
please girl, think of your poor feet once in a while…higher doesn’t mean better. step it down a notch from time to time and wear flats..otherwise, you’ll be f****ed, when you get older – trust me, my sister has been there, it’s sooo painful. still: those are some badass wedges! :-)
Crazy about your nail polish !!!! (and shoes too for sure)
The shoes is hot Jane.
your shoe and clothes spending is ridic! first those killer boots, that kick ass red jacket and now these. i mean, for real!
nice shoes…
I love them! I have similar ones- They have the same shape and size in the wedge but they are a soft black canvas with tortoise-shell plastic straps. All I can say is sometimes when you step too far into your toes you can roll a little bit too far forward on that curved bit at the front! I’ve never fallen but have looked a little bit uncoordinated when getting used to them! xx
AMAZING! So jealous….love yoox!
I actually love shoes, but those are just too big for me :O
Holy, they are crazy! Love it :) And your toe nail polish! So cute haha.
x Natalie
These were shown on the s/s 2007 runway. Look on style.com’s detail pictures number 29.
Aaah, they are perfect! As always :))))
you’re so lucky, these shoes are gorgeous! really!
Love the rainbow colored nailpolish! lol
~ Montreal Fashion Minds ~
omg! i love your shoes, i want your shoes. i also think your toenails look cool, all different colors.
Wow.!! Those shoes are so shiny and beautiful.
OMG. I swear that’s all I could say. Well, that and ‘your nails are done amazingly’
Blaaaahhhhh!! I hate you. I love those. Super awesome. I love the way your toes are painted too. :)
Please let me wear them :)
those are all i ever want out of a shoe! so sick.
omigod, those shoes are awesomeness personified!! nice find!
Oh wow. Those shoes are intense. And your toes are so pretty. :)
Ahhhh, gorgeous!
They’re great…was watching the 2007 spring show to see them on the runway, did you see the maori ankle boots from that givenchy collection. WTH they were insane – lol
“Who even knew these shoes existed? I had never seen them before…I guess there are always shoes that don’t show on the runway…?”
any “early adopter” of givenchy by tisci—before he became the flavor of the day and everybody and their mother jumped on the bandwagon—-knows about those shoes……..s/s 07 collection and yes they were on the runway!! <3
If enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to thrift, and if enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatevet thfift may be doing. Do you understand?
aww so sexy