Wearing a rabbit fur felt hat, a thrifted 80's jacket with bows and nipped waist, Y-3 wool pants, Givenchy lace up peep toes, and vintage Givenchy bag
If my posts are kind of half-hearted this week or I don't reply to my emails it's because I am busy studying for my finals!
But after finals comes Christmas break, and I can't wait…
cute …but that shoe closet?!?!? TO DIE FOR.
That is the most amazing jacket!!
Also, I really need some space like that to keep my shoes!
you truly are gorgeous! i love your outfit!
and YES that shoe closet is TDF..and so organized!
Cute outfit, but you wore that today in Dallas?
It was, like, 20 degrees out. I was freezing!!
holy christ! that’s a lot of shoes in the background! whew! jane, the bows in the jacket are stunning! i love the fitted jacket you have on. GREAT!
btw, i would like to let you know that I already mailed the necklaces for you. they were placed in beautiful chest.
goodluck to your finals! hear from you soon!
OMG!! The shoes closet.
good luck with your finals. i’m still waiting for some of those christmas cookies…:)
you look amazing as always. i like the nude hat and the nude shoes with the all black. you have the best backgrounds in your home. the shoe wall is just a dream!!
your skin always looks so fresh and glowy. what’s your regimen?
I’m so jealous of your shoe closet; I wish I could fit that in my room at college!
Yes yes yes, best outfit this month. Luxe minimalism. Love. I think it’s the hat.
I love the nipped in bow of the jacket. And ughhhh winter break can’t come any sooner!
Posting your outfits is not boring! That is what we love! The outfits!
Good luck with finals!
hope you do well in your finals!!!love the peep toes :)
Your outfits are the greatest highlight of this blog – so don’t be sorry that these are boring posts. I absolutely love them. :)
And oohh there are A LOT of shoes!! haha love them all, specially the lace-ups and platforms and oh god almost all haha
don’t worry jane, it’s fine with us even if you just post outfits
ugly outfit
usually i like your taste but this didnt resonate with me. it looks like youre trying to be someone else.
You can never be boring!
When I have my big, perfect, beautiful house I’m going to have my shoes displayed like that. And your jacket is so pretty!
Outfit posts are my fsvorites!
juliet xxx
your outfit posts are not boring – au contraire!
Dont worry because we love your outfits.
i would die for your shoe closet!
I really love this outfit! Everything works so well together and looks amazing on you. God, I am envious of that closet and all the shoes
1. Good luck with your exams
2. I want a place for my shoes like that!!! (Xmas wish?, ha ha)
are you kidding? your outfits are my favorite part of your blog!
Your posts are never boring…you have the best outfit photos around! It’s all in the details.
I too, am planning on displaying my shoes on a shabby, white shelf, but tell me – don’t they get dusty like that?
I love your hat!
Simply gorgeous, as usual.
I want those Y3 pants so so much!
Great outfit.
oh, come on jane! this is SO not boring. :)
Boring? Not at all! I always look forward to your outfit posts. :) Your style is very refreshing.
those yellow platform oxfords I see in the background are to die for…
Your closet is to die for!!
And this outfit is gorgeous – I love the black top and the tan peep toes.
fantastic outfit!i love that jacket with hat.
this outfit is to die for
I can’t tell you how much fun it is to look at your blog! I am from Seattle, but have lived in Tulsa,OK and am spending the holidays here. I have seen that you go to Tulsa to vintage shop and just wondering where? I know cherry street has some places, but if you know of more..tell…tell..show…show! Have a great holiday!
A. finals are always a good reason to completely shut down your life. if your finals week was anything like mine you’re probably pulling out your perfectly highlighted hair right now.
B. Even though you mostly post outfit pics, they’re the best outfit pics of all the blogs because you have the most interesting looking clothes, and even if i recognize the same top or bottom you always wear it differently. which is kind of inspiring to someone (me) who only has one pair of jeans because i am too cheap to buy more. lol
oh I love this outfit!! Those are great pants
Amazing look! Kisses ;)
Don’t think that you’re being boring by posting outfits – that’s one of my favorite things about the blog.
As a Texas girl myself (I’m just outside of Austin), I really appreciate your sense of style!
Love the shoes and the bag !
Boring? I think not – your outfits are always interesting and inspirational – as is that unbelievable collection of shoes behind you – wow!
Wow, finally I get to see your shoe closet! Good luck with the exams!
I have just read your article on the french glamour magazine. You looked gorgeous and I love your shoes ;)
That lace-up oxfords is the F. So gorgeous!
like it!
just know that posting outfits isn’t boring!!
i actually like that very much, mabye even best!
because i love to look at the outfits of others, and than with the inspiration i create my own outfit.
and yes, like most posters, i would like to have such a shoe closet!
Mara Liza
I just found your blog this morning and it has been killing me how familiar you look. I just figured it out. I used to see you at Spiral Diner all the time and always noticed your amazing shoes. Great blog!
This outfit is just amazing.
well.. sorry to ‘disappoint’ you but it’s not boring. I bet a lot of people come to your blog to see just that (me included).
I L.O.V.E your shoe collection! And I love the style of you and your mom!
I’m a shoe addict aswell, I have more then 50 pair.. But your collection is SO much more amazing. All boutique shoes, while mine are WAY cheaper ;)
I really love to trade places with you for a week, just to wear your shoes.
I was wondering.. How do you pay for there gorgeous shoes?
Love, from Holland
i really love your style and your pics!
i find your blog in a french magazine!
well done!
check my blog : cosmicgirlsinparis.blogspot.com
The hat looks great, and good luck to you on your finals!
great vintage givenchy bag… love!
Wow, that jacket is super cute – just like you. And I just had to mention…killer shoes closet!
I love all of your shoes, im truly envious!
I do like the Outfit but to be honest this shoe closet is just heaven! Really lucky Girl!
Omg, your shoe closet is to die for! heart heart heart
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[URL=http://www.car-crash.us/%5DCar accident[/URL] and drunk drivers are the most pressing problems of our everyday life.
According to the World Health Organization, each year 1.2 million people die and nearly 50 million of people are injured or became disabled in car accidents. The cost of road traffic injuries for each country is almost 518 billion dollars per year, which is from one to two percent of their average Gross National Product. By 2020, the car accident will be the tenth leading cause of death in the world.
To solve the problem and reduce death rate of car accidents on the roads, according to World Health Organization, it is necessary to resolve the five major tasks: riding a motorcycle without a helmet, problem of road infrastructure, problem of speeding, problem of alcohol consumptions and the usage of safety belts.
In the whole Europe the death rates during car accidents has steadily decreased: in 1991 – 162 deaths per 1 million citizens, in 2004 – 95; in 2007 – 77. In 2007, the most dangerous roads in Europe were in Lithuania, where out of every million people in the car accident died 223 people, and in Latvia – 177. But still some other new EU members remain problematical, such as Estonia and Poland where the number of car accidents continue increasing.
The main reasons of car accidents are: the tendency of modern European drivers to constantly increase the speed of driving, neglecting the rules of safety belts usage and security facilities for children (child seats). In most of the Eastern European countries that undergo rapid motorization, road infrastructure development, the progress of security services cannot withstand the increased load.
The experience of countries with developed motorization, such as Canada, France, Finland and the United States, proves that to reduce car accidents and avoid the enormous social and economic losses the next steps should be followed:
[URL=http://www.car-crash.us/%5DCar accident[/URL]
• a flexible and adequate legislative framework for the organization of traffic;
• road infrastructure: to settle pedestrian crossings, repairing roads, provide the necessary number of parking spaces;
• pay special attention to promotion of traffic safety and clearly show the consequences of traffic violations to people.
The main focus of foreign legislation system, to avoid car accidents on the road and provide its safety is the violators’ liability.
[URL=http://www.car-crash.us/%5DMotorcycle accidents[/URL].
I thought it might be a good idea if their brains are not splashed across the pavement.
Boy, was I wrong. [URL=http://www.car-crash.us/%5DMotorcycle accidents[/URL].
Motorcycle magazine was furious that I wrote, and urged his readers to write to my publisher and tell him that the mucus and myself.
In this, he knew that I was a slime, he did not dismiss me. He had just passed along the letter, nor for my edification or as my punishment.
I read them all. And the rider after rider told me that he was “right” to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. I checked the Constitution, to see if I could find the right, but I could not.
So I came to the conclusion that the “right” to keep the motorcycle on a right that every American believes that he was born with: the right to be stupid.
The right to be stupid is a God-given right. And many spend a lifetime perfecting it.
Drive with seat belt? Never. If I want to be thrown through the windshield at high speeds, hover in the air and eventually, as an ornament on the hood of the oncoming bus, I am entitled.
Wear a motorcycle helmet? Never. Next thing they will tell me what shoes to wear. I have the right not to wear anything that I do not want to wear.
Gary Busey, the actor, who did an excellent job playing Buddy Holly 10 years ago, believe in the right to be stupid. He not only believed in it, he was for it.
When California to discuss whether to require all motorcyclists to wear helmets, Busey campaign against him. Education the answer, he said, rather than helmets.
Busey, itself, is a well-trained, experienced driver motorcycle. At the age of 44, he rode for many years. And when he took his 1300-cc, 600 pounds, $ 16000 a Harley next trip last Sunday, he knew just what he does.
Until seconds later, after a trip only 90 meters, he tried to take a turn around the bus lost control, was thrown from the cycle and hit the curb head.
He was not, of course, was wearing a helmet. Instead, he was invoking his right to be stupid [URL=http://www.car-crash.us/%5Dcar accidents[/URL].
He went through 90 minutes of neurosurgery to remove blood clots from the brain. As I write this, it seems that it will be OK.
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