WOW it’s been a while hasn’t it…well, sorry for leaving Sea of Shoes completely neglected for a week.
Since I got back from Mexico on Monday morning, I haven’t had any free time to myself at all…just these few blissful hours this Saturday morning. I am hosting two exchange students from Bilbao and when we’re not being dragged all over Dallas with them, I’m hanging out with my friends and their exchange students non-stop. I am sooo exhausted but eager to start blogging again…which was put on hold this week due to some sort of billing problem which temporarily terminated my blogging service…SORRY to bore you with my excuses and details of my life!! will stop now.
Expect my blogging to pick up again around the middle of next week, as that is when the host students leave and I can have my life back!! (not that it hasn’t been fun, the kids are really cool and fun to hang out with) I have many many cool things to share :)
(Also, thank you so much to La Mode Vogue for the shoutout! :) so sweet)
ttys, jane
Nice to see you back! Have a great weekend with those Spaniards, looking forward to new posts from you!
hey j, miss you! check out my new burberry runway platform lizard sandals. pix in my blog… chauss
Hello! I’ve just discovered your blog and, first of all, I want to apologize for my english, I’m a french girl…
I really love your blog, your shoes, and your mum’s shoes! I’m also crazy about shoes!
I know you don’t understand french, but if you want to come and see my blog (photos of my look, fashion, shoes (!) ), maybe you’ll learn french thanks to my blog ;-)
HI i really love your blog, however absent you may be, i mean theres some much past post to read it brings that overwhelming feeling of one new post anyway. Toatally admire your look, you really know how to look original!
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