During my stay in Tokyo in 2009, I discovered so many cool labels and stores. I have worn the things I brought home from my last trip to death! I decided that for this trip I would research where my favorite labels were stocked around Tokyo and shop very carefully for things I could get a lot of wear out of.
I have to say I think I did pretty well! I'm trying to photograph and style all of the things I bought in Tokyo in my next few posts.
Last year I got some amazing Jelly Garcia pieces from Hotel55 boutique in the Laforet mall in Harajuku. It's on the fourth floor, right by the furfur boutique. I think Fur Fur has a much stronger following now than it did last year-I've seen it being covered on more fashion blogs. Cool! I must say that I didn't find anything I liked there this season…but last year I brought home a ton of things I loved from furfur, like my yellow brocade pants and crazy lace patchwork cardigan and shirt.
Lace patchwork cardigan and shirt from furfur (two separate pieces! Its a little hard to tell here)
Yellow brocade trousers from furfur:
I just thought I should mention furfur for anyone out there looking for labels to check out in Tokyo.
Anyway, back to Hotel55 boutique: to my knowledge it is the best place to find Jelly Garcia clothing. Cute name, huh? The thing I love about Jelly Garcia is that the focus is all on volume–you may have noticed that I love 'poofy'.
I am really into this double layered vest/dress I got there. It has two layers-underneath the army green 'utility vest' is a muslin lining and underskirt. It looks cute zipped up but I prefer it with the muslin showing.
Worn with a shearling/goat hair vest purchased in Austin (from Big Bertha Vintage) Wearing a brown The Dress & Co skirt underneath the vest (more on this skirt later) and Ann Demeulemeester lace-up sandals.
Hey, like our new living room? It was my mom's project with Sam of Style Swoon, another Dallas interior/design blogger. Our house looks so dressy now! It inspires me to dress up too.
More to come!