The three skirts featured in this post were all bought in one weekend when I was vintage shopping in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (some of the best vintage shopping in the US, by the way) I don’t know if I what posessed me to buy three skirts that all look like they could have belonged to June Cleaver. Maybe it was because femenine looks have always suited me best…much to my frustration I’ve never been able to fully pull off a boyish, androgynous look. I think it’s my swedish heritage, which has given me a baby face and hips a touch too generous to look good in pin-thin trousers! But I digress…
I think I like this length and volume of skirt at this moment because it’s not in line with the mega-trend of thigh grazing, skin tight pencil skirts….sorry to quote CSS but I’m ‘tired of being sexy’! A waist-cinching vintage skirt that hits about mid-calf seems fresh to me in a sea of legs, legs, legs. I think you just have to update the look to make it work….I started from the bottom and worked my way up. Kicky shoes are definitely must…otherwise you risk the iffy ‘vintage’ girl look….you guys know what I’m talking about right? Beyond the sky-high Givenchy’s I didn’t try to make this look edgy-the peachy satin skirt is hard to accessorize and I think I was best off doing the entire ‘Barbie Dream Date’ look. A cotton camisole and beaded 50’s cardigan in soft creamy colors compliment the salmon-pink of the skirt. The least experimental of the three looks I tried with these skirts.
This brocade detail and candy pink of this skirt is so delicious!! The fabric is very stiff and thick so I chose a billowy sheer off-the shoulder blouse…I raided my mom’s box of dead stock from her old clothing line for it! I chose darker shoes to anchor all the soft colors, and the black patent belt to pick up the black spots of my leopard ponyhair Miu Miu’s.
For my third act, I pair an ubertough Junya Watanabe jacket with a painterly swing skirt. (as well as a vintage belt and Marni criss cross heels) Something about the peaks of the shoulders of this jacket and the delicate brush strokes and warm colors of the skirt evoked the image of Japan in fall!
I had fun experimenting with these looks….these skirts are actually perfect for the ‘in-between’ weather we’re experiencing here in Texas! I had a lot of other posts planned for this weekend but my camera has tragically broken due to a freak tripod accident…so instead of posting what I’ve been working on last night I was weeping over my new camera. Hopefully it’ll be out of the shop in two weeks, until then it’s back to my crappy Kodak-until then I apologize for the crappy image quality on this blog. More to come later-:) Life is complicated right now-I’ve got finals coming up and homework is pouring in-I’ll try to keep up though!ttyl, jane
the 2nd outfit is perfection. the proportions look so fresh! I am a sucker for the skinny jean-biker chic look but you make me wanna run out and get a billowy skirt :P
love also how the accessories pull everything together.
One in a million can pull these looks off, but you totally do!
All gorgeous, and styled beautifully! The last skirt is really gorgeous, and the second look is just perfection!
jane, your hair color looks perfect with the last outfit’s swing skirt! that jacket is spectacular! and the jacket color looks divine…lavender/gray/black?
ooops, gotta mention, i LOVE the givenchy shoes. :)
and the marnis too!
gooorgeous skirts! you rock them all.
(and, you got the camera fixed?! :D)
oh fuck.. shit happens with tripodss all the time.. :s
i hope you get one soon i cant wait for the other classy looks.. love all of them and loveeee the marni criss cross heels where did you got them?
I love the last combination because I think it’s the furthest away from the typical girly full-skirt look you mentioned. Maybe I’m just in love with that Junya Watanabe jacket <3
^ hahah, oh, nvm, i skipped over that. but i wish you luck in its repair. :P
As usual, you look great! I love the peach and pink skirts and the givenchy and marni heels! I wish I could actually own shoes like those. I, on the other hand, could never carry off such silhouettes. Short skirts are a must for me!
Last foto looks like a picture from movie “the dolls” by Takeshi kitano. If you saw it, you understand…
anyway, I agreew ith you, too much sexy things and sexy girls in the world. You are classy, very beautiful, and not cheap. Like you
love love love the third skirt with that jacket! so great for spring!
I love the second look! Lovely
love your blog, in fact i’ve spent all morning (day?) to read it through, from the first post to the last, and i was surprised to hear the fact that you have swedish heritage, cool! i’m from sweden, so… do you speak swedish? ’cause then i can write you comments in swedish instead of in my crappy enlish. hope you’ll answer!
Super post (older !) as always
PS : I’m French and I have a bad English ! Sorry but I love what you do and Continuing to make us dream!
I just found this post by search engine, you got something interesting topics here. Definitely going to visit daily as i do on Cheers.
He who in adversity would have succor, let him be generous while he rests secure. Do you think so?
i would never have bought anything just because it was practical, would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a life time.
Wow its perfect…:D its second hand? Pretty nice job
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